Foundation Work

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long, and incorporated into my yoga/physio practice because I’ve been having a few days of difficulty with just sitting still. I haven’t been to the sports medicine doc for an adjustment on my ribs in almost four weeks now, which means that I have had a few things move out of place and then the time for the inflammation and irritation to ease enough to “cement” those misalignments out of place.    This means that when I lie still, my muscles spasm some, so I was hoping that incorporating the meditation into my yoga would help.

Long story short… It didn’t.  Not really.   So, hopefully I’ll see him on Tuesday next week and start to get things back to a more comfortable alignment.

Four of Pentacles - Efflorescent Tarot (Color Edition)Today’s draw is the Four of Pentacles, which is traditionally a representation of stability and steady structure in the area of resources, finances, manifestations, and the physical plane.

This card’s appearance today is an encouragement following yesterday’s nudge.   It reminds me that what I want to work at achieving with the changes I’m doing to my business this year are to increase the stability of the foundation that my business rests upon.

And the first step on building this foundation is to make a physical list of the changes I want to make. (Intuitive hit… wood paneling in the background and earthen tones.)

Creativity is a flighty and ever-shifting process in my experience, and I need a stronger base for what has grown into a thriving business so that it can carry forward into the future with not just strength and purpose, but also longevity.


#TarotForGrowthJanuary Challenge Prompt
: How can I best move into the risks that the universe wants me to take this year? (Build off of yesterday’s read.)

Wheel of Fortune Tarot by Ivy Feng

Reading Summary: Don’t let fear of failure hold you back (via the look on the Hierophant’s face and tension in his pose as he looks at the Five of Pentacles). Even though you feel a lurking darkness from outside influences that may cause some doubt (via the dark head of the lion looking down on the couple below and siphoning energy into their glasses), you have all the tools at your disposal to succeed and do well (The Magician facing and atop the Two of Cups card).

Take Away:  As I mentioned yesterday, I worry about the folly of pride whenever I try to appreciate my accomplishments.  The interaction between the Hierophant and the Five of Pentacles speaks of this fear.   The dark lion in the Two of Cups speaks to me of the doubts I struggle with concerning my emotions and learning how to better integrate them into my life (as opposed to burying them).  That energy siphons into the cups below, polluting and “poisoning the well” so to speak.   If i want to push through these risks and find the prize beyond, I need to look at the tools I have at my disposal and use them to help me along this path, rather than shirking from the risks altogether.


#DiscordTarotholicsJan2020 Challenge Prompt
: What does Miss Luna think about me?

Accurate AF TarotReading Summary: I am the provider of all good things (Six of Cups) … And some of the bad as well (Justice).  I am her safe harbor (Five of Pentacles), and where all the good stuff in life comes from even if she can’t always figure out why I do what I’m doing (Son of Cups).  She likes it when I am able to know what she needs and understand her even though she can’t talk human speak (The Priestess).

Take Away:  The cards pretty much lay out the life of a happy house cat.  She needs me.  She loves me.  She sees me as the provider of all good things, and punisher when she does something wrong cuz I’m the one that lays down the law.  Sometimes the stuff I do makes no sense to her, but she’s happy over all and is having her needs met.


#ConnectWithYourDeckChallenge Prompt
: How can I better utilize my strengths to achieve my goals?

Jeremy Miranda Oracle Cards

Reading Summary:  The cards on the left are crisp and filled with water, whereas the cards on the right (which overlay the left) are grounded in earth and carry the flavor of the forest in their coloring and depictions.   The cards on the left being the present, the cards on the right speak of what is needed to move forward.

Take Away:  I need to spend more time in liminal spaces.  The world is too crisp and cold.  Too in focus.  By stepping outside of that and finding where the lines are blurred, I will better be able to find the grounding I need to move on with solid footing, rather than feeling as if I’m treading water.


One thought on “Foundation Work

  1. *Grins* I just love when the cards back up my suggestions.

    You’re going to get it together and be fine, my love. And I am very happy that you are feeling a little better today than yesterday at the very least. Even with today’s troubles hitting you

    I love you. So much

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