New Perspectives In Self Kindness

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Animism Tarot - The Hanged ManToday’s draw is the Hanged Man, which is traditionally a representation of taking a pause, considering alternate perspectives, relaxing into difficult situations, surrender or letting go.

The Hanged Man is one of my favorite cards in the tarot… perhaps my absolute favorite card in the tarot.  And honestly?  This is probably the cutest of all Hanged Man cards I’ve seen.

As with so many Hanged Man cards, what I see here is a question.  What do you see?  What if the world was inverted… what if -you- were inverted?  How would the world look differently?  If you paused and looked at the world with this new perspective, how would your own perspective on the world change?

The card showing up today is a reminder that I need to take breaks while I work.  By taking these breaks, life is brighter, my tasks are less difficult, and my obligations lighter.


#DiscordTarotholicsMar2022 Challenge Prompt
Topic for March 31st
: Grab a spread of your choice that you’ve been curious about… and give it a go!

Animism Tarot - What's Holding My Booty Back? Tarot Spread

What do I most need to release that’s holding me back?

The Devil Rx – It’s time to ease up on the addictions that are starting to get out of hand again. Things like brand-name foods, deck purchases, games on your phone, and dawdling instead of getting things done are all things that are getting just a bit out of hand at the moment. Moderation is not particularly easy for you, but in these areas it’s time to start applying more moderation than you are currently.

Why did this issue develop in the first place?

Two of Swords – When the darkness crept in (aka your depression), you shirked away from it and made the choice to reach for comfort. Those things you refer to as your “addictions” create within you a sense of safety, security, and comfort. You chose to reach for them, and that’s understandable under the circumstances.

How can I best honor it’s memory/grieve it’s loss?

Ten of Cups – Get in touch with your gratitude for the things you already have, and all that you have that makes you happy, instead of focusing on what you don’t have and wallowing in short-lived comforts.

Where should I direct energy that will serve my needs better?

The Emperor – Redirect this energy into reestablishing control over yourself and your life, and ensuring your obligations and responsibilities are being tended to.


Daily Self Kindness

I took a number of mini-breaks today to help me to not feel weighed down or resentful of the work that I needed to get done.

📆 Transitioning from March to April

Greater Secrets Tarot and Visions From the Liminal Oracle

Here and Now I Exist – Who you are now, in your entirety.

Ten of Pentacles atop Queen of Swords, Strangely Perfect Timing – As your negative inner narrative begins to let up, you are beginning to see that you are far better off than you thought you were previously. The light of spring is helping you find your way out of the darkness even though your depression is not of the seasonal variety. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

The Slough – What is to be left in the past as you move forward.

Temperance and Quiet Desperation – Let go of stagnancy and holding yourself back. Get moving! Be proactive. When you hold yourself back and allow stagnancy to creep in, the discomfort of it all drags you down. Better to keep moving.

What Lies Ahead – An ideal state or ideal self you are seeking at this time.

Seven of Wands and Storm + Fury – You will continue to be unwilling to compromise on your moral compass and principles regardless of the forces against you. You are strong, brave, and fighting the good fight.

Limitations – Negative influences, opposition, or ill will.

The Hermit Rx, An Answer But Not The Solution, Believe Nothing That You Hear And Only Half Of What You See – Stop lingering after yoga and/or meditation time. This unhealthy alone time feels nice at the time in the moment, but it’s not healthy and is holding you back.  It’s time being wasted instead of used productively to further your self care or well-being in any way.

The Boon – Positive influences, higher guidance, or divine intervention.

King of Wands and Hell Train – Get in touch with the enthusiastic tyrant that is your creative spark, and let the motivation flow from this place within you.  When you get things done, it feels good and you like that sensation of accomplishment you earn from it.  Seek out that positive sensation and let it help motivate you.

The Wound – An unpleasant past experience or event that is ripe for some support and healing.

The Star Rx and Parasitism – Your depression eats away at your hope and spiritual connection to the world around you as well as your connection to what lies unseen beyond the physical world. It’s time to work at climbing free of that pervasive darkness.

Nostalgia – A positive past experience or event to acknowledge, reflect upon, and enjoy.

The Magician and Until The Day Breaks And The Shadows Flee Away – You have defeated the depression again and again, you have everything you need to do it this time as well. Do not doubt your ability to weather the darkness when you know that the light is so near.

A Warning – Something coming that can be prevented or overcome.

Seven of Cups and The Passing Of Time – Stop dithering while time passes you by. Make lists, do small tasks. Just sitting there spinning your wheels resolves nothing and makes you feel like shit.

Empowerment – A future opportunity to work toward.

The Devil and Season Of The Witch – This spring and summer will allow you the time to get your decks in order, and to create better energy flow within your space as a result. Don’t waste this time but leap into it.

Message from the Spirit World – Apply your time, passion, and motivation towards getting your decks in order. You will feel better and your home will feel far more energized once this is done.

Message from the Mind’s World – Let go of the need to sink into stillness and use the energies of the spring season to push you forward into energized activity.

Message from the Physical World – The time of sickness and disconnection has come to an end. Don’t ignore your body, but instead focus on helping it to thrive once more.

Take Away – The majority of this reading is focused on my recent MDE and climbing out of depressions pit. It speaks about motivation and how to stir up the energy you need to keep fighting and keep climbing. It also is calling you out on these activities you do that are not helping.


Sourpuss Days Happen

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Oz Tarot - King of WandsToday’s draw is the King of Wands, which is traditionally a representation of a projective alpha energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s motivation, drive, passions, willpower, and determination.

This straw man in the imagery of this card just does not look particularly thrilled with his lot in life right now.  It reminds me of the times when I’m not particularly thrilled in mine, even though it was my drive and passions that got me here… and keep me here.

Even when you do what you love, there are times when work becomes too much.   Today’s card is a reminder to not let these moments of lack of enthusiasm to spoil life in general and your outlook as a whole.  They’ll pass, and you’ll be back to loving what you do again in no time.


#DiscordTarotholicsMar2022 Challenge Prompt
Philosophical Question for March 30th
: Is courage an inherent virtue or is it learned behavior?

Real Talk Tarot (trimmed borders)Reading Summary: Courage is learned behavior that is developed through a need to please others (Six of Wands). A need that becomes all encompassing over time (The Devil) until it is only through others admiration that one can find emotional fulfillment (Nine of Cups).

Take Away: I disagree. What the cards are saying here is that courage develops motivated by a need public admiration, and that the more public admiration one is given, the more courageous they will become.

Sure, I think it does work this way for some people, but I also believe that in some people, courage is an inherent trait motivated by nothing more than having a caring heart, a stringent moral compass, or something they value as a motivator. I want (perhaps even need) to believe that this is more often the case than the scenario that the cards have given.


The #ConnectWithYourDeckChallenge Prompt by E Roebuck-Jones
Questions for March 29th thru 31st

Oz TarotHow can I continue to improve upon receiving and interpreting my intuitive messages?

Page of Swords Rx and The Emperor Rx – Less thinking, less control. Allow your inner knowledge to rise and have a louder voice instead of smothering it with logic.

How have I grown through this intuitive challenge?

Two of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles – You are discovering and beginning to cement in place a better balance in your life.  You recognize the things that aren’t working and know you have to balance them better with the things that are.  More doing is needed, though.

What have I learned about myself through this challenge?

The Empress and The Chariot – You need to be more proactive in nurturing yourself and providing for your needs. There is no control over your speed and direction without self care.


Daily Self Kindness

It was a rough day, but I sank into some time with Gideon and play even though it was late, and it helped untie some of my inner knots.

Larceny in the Soul

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Inkromancy 2 Apocalypse Tarot - TemperanceToday’s draw is the Temperance card, which is traditionally a representation of moderation, patience, and finding balance between the spiritual, emotional, and earthly planes.

I love her horns. I think more Temperance cards should have angels with horns in them.  I feel like it shows a whole different aspect of balance and moderation that a lot of people don’t get when confronted with the connected cups that are traditionally present.

The horns in the imagery of this card speaks to me of one’s integrity, and the old adage about having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.

Today’s card is a reminder that everyone “has a little larceny in their soul”, so to speak.  That is to say, we all have temptations and faults, we all lie in one way or the other, we all do bad things… or things we shouldn’t.  If we didn’t, we wouldn’t learn.  It is in learning from these things that we become better people, so make sure you are accepting the “bad” in yourself along side the good.


#DiscordTarotholicsMar2022 Challenge Prompt
Question for March 29th
: What do I need to focus on for self-care for the upcoming new moon?

50 Extraordinary Dragons OracleReading Summary: You are still having problems connecting with your motivations and drive right now (Draconic Shadow). Remember to keep trying to find that focus and inspiration (Ruby Coatl), and it will develop into being (Firewing Egg) as the darkness gradually begins to fade into the distance.

Take Away: Motivation is a difficult thing when the depression is riding you. As the depression eases, it’s much like a rebirth in many ways, and your motivation and inspiration is one of those things.  Don’t be impatient with the darkness, as it will lift at its own pace just as an embryo develops within an egg at its own pace and will hatch when it’s ready.


Mr Lionharts’ #TheMarchTarot Animal Guide Challenge Prompt
Questions for March 29th thru 31st

Inkromancy 2 Apocalypse TarotIn what area have I grown throughout the last few weeks?

Knight of Cups and Emperor – You are starting to get back in touch with your emotions and are regaining control. This month has been steeped in the darkness of the depression’s pit, but over the past couple weeks you have begun to claw your way back toward the light. As you move closer and closer to the light, you will gain more control over yourself and your environment, and be able to experience more joy in the journey.

What am I guided to leave behind of part with moving forward?

Two of Wands and Ten of Pentacles – Continue plotting the course forward away from the mentality of “All is lost”, and into one of abundance. There is a need to leave behind that perspective of loss, and a little planning can help you in getting there.  It requires making the choice of looking at things in a more positive perspective.

Where am I to take my journey moving forward?

Knight of Pentacles, Two of Swords atop Five of Swords – Stand up and start moving. Again, we see that this rests upon choices, and not always easy ones. You have to make the choice to defeat the darkness, or buckle under its weight and let it drag you down again.  The progress might be slow, but you are getting there.  Keep fighting.


Daily Self Kindness

L and I went to Olive Garden on a gift card yesterday and I ate so much I was still full and sporting a food baby two hours later.