Finding the Positive Message for June 28 – 30

Western Way Tarot Anieth Deck, Tarot Gals, Heartscape Tarot, and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal Cards

June 28

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and was focused on the “you got this” affirmation in the attached image. Ms B comes home from the hospital and my shift as amateur home care nurse begins again until next Tuesday. I’m just hoping it’s a bit better and easier than last time.

Ten of Pentacles – You are fiercely protective of all that you have accomplished, as well as those things and people that contribute to your life feeling stable and secure. Don’t become so focused on protecting those things that you forget to take time to appreciate them and enjoy them.


June 29

Today’s meditation was  ten minutes long and focused on the “it’s going to be okay” message in the attached card.  This week is an extremely stressful one, and I’m struggling under the weight of all of the responsibility and stress involved. The affirmation today is a reassurance that, during the meditation and outside of it, I’m trying to take to heart.

Five of Pentacles – I often struggle with a sense of scarcity and that came to the forefront a bit today concerning news that L sent me earlier today.  Today’s card is a reminder that rough times happen and scarcity is not always just in your head… but as the affirmation card in my meditation today says, “it’s going to be okay”.   We have been through worse, and we’ll get through this trial as well.


June 30

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and took place in the bathtub, which was sort of a self-care thing for me today since I really love the bathtub here in this house.   I also took a nap in there, and yes, I know that’s dangerous but it’s virtually impossible for me to get my head down far enough to drown without lifting my legs out, so it was pretty safe, all things considered. The “you are capable ~ you can do this” mantra for today’s meditation is another of a number of “cheer leading” messages I’ve been given at late that are assisting me in staying positive as I help Ms B through her post surgery experience.

Three of Wands – Planning and dreaming are all well and good, just make sure that you actually do some doing as well. This is about the work that I brought with me to Ms B’s house.  Yes, this is supposed to be time off, but it’s also necessary to stay a bit caught upon a few things for the business so that I’m not swamped when I step back into work next week.   This card tells me that it’s no good bringing the work along… unless I actually do something with it besides just looking at it sitting on the table now and then.


Finding the Positive Message for June 25 – 27

Grunge Tarot, Vintage Marseille Tarot, One World Tarot, and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal Cards

June 25

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and was focused on the affirmation in the card included in this post. It was primarily breathing exercises while repeating the affirmation as a mantra. I can honestly say that I waffle quite a bit on this particular affirmation, as sometimes it feels like everyone knows what the hell is going on and what they’re doing… except me. And then other times? Everyone’s lost and I’m grounded. Right now? I’m feeling a bit lost and everything feels uncertain, so the assurance at the bottom that “It’s all going to turn out fine” was perhaps the most useful part of this affirmation for me today.

The Sun – This card is an indication of success and positivity. Having fun and enjoyment are all rolled into the theme, and the reminder here is that everyone needs to have those things that make them happy. You are no different, and it’s okay to show others what those things are and share them with others rather than trying to hide them away and keep them secret. No one is going to take them from you or make you feel bad about them. Just because that’s how it worked as a child doesn’t mean that it works the same as an adult, so own your happiness and allow others to share in your fun. It’s okay.


June 26

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and was focused on the “it’s all going to work out fine” affirmation in the card on the left attached to this post.

Nine of Swords – This is a card that is all about nightmares and anxiety. It’s about those things that wake you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, or make it impossible to fall asleep in the first place. Ms B goes in for her shoulder surgery tomorrow, and there’s a huge amount of concern about infection for her, because she’s diabetic. There’s a lot of worry going on… a lot of “What If” thinking going on.

Together these cards are a reminder that “what if” thinking is all in your head. It’s not a portent of doom, but rather your mind making up stories of the worse case scenarios possible. Here is encouragement to look to the positive, to make sure you stay hopeful, and to lean into optimism instead of listening to those negative whispers trying to slip in and drag you down.

It’s all going to work out fine.


June 27

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and was focused on the affirmation in the included card in this post. What this card brought to mind for me is the best advice I ever got from a therapist. She told me that everything is temporary. Everything. Including depression.

The thing is? When in the grip of a depressive episode it feels like it will never end. That life will feel that dark and heavy and empty forever. I spent the majority of last year struggling with a depressive episode that would just not let go. And yet? It did eventually end. It was indeed temporary.
It’s important to remember that this too is temporary. Life will not always be filled with worry and upheaval. It’s just what’s here now… but it won’t be forever.

Ten of Wands – Burden leads to overwhelm which leads to burnout. Make sure that you are not overdoing it, and let yourself lean on others for help instead of taking it all on yourself. This does not have to be all on you, so ensure you are advocating to get the help you need rather than just piling more and more on your own back.


Don’t Splat… Instead Bounce

Luna's Teddy Bear Tarot and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal CardsToday’s meditation was ten minutes long, and focused upon the affirmation on the Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal card included in this post.

The affirmation here speaks about the need to focus on today and let tomorrow take care of itself.  This is something that I’ve been working on a bit more of late, and trying to help Ms B focus on as well. Especially with her surgery coming up. She’s spending a lot of time in her head worrying about what’s coming, and I see the echos of a lot of my own behavior in what she’s going through right now.

Today’s draw is the Tower card (which I just pulled the day before yesterday, mind you), which is traditionally a representation of destruction, chaos, upheaval, sudden change, and tearing constructs in one’s life down in order to make room for something new.

For me, this card speaks more about minor inconveniences, though.  The reason for that is the smile on the teddy bear’s faces as they fall.  They know good and well when they land?  They’re going to bounce.  This isn’t the end of the world, just another ride on the crazy train.  The message in today’s card is not to let the unexpected inconveniences screw up your whole day. Bounce back from them and keep moving.



Daily Self Kindness


In the Wake of the Storm

Tempest Tarot and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal CardsToday’s meditation was ten minutes long, and focused upon the affirmation on the Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal card included in this post.

Today’s draw is the Tower card, which is traditionally a representation of sudden, chaotic and often catastrophic change. The appearance of the Tower card indicates the need to tear down established structures so that something new can take its place, and that if you’re unwilling to tear them down? The universe will find a way to tear them down for you.

The reminder here in this card lies in the interaction between the affirmation cared pulled for my meditation, and the Tower card pulled for the card of the day.  It speaks of a need to come at situations with a clear head, even those that are unexpected and catastrophic.

Don’t get so wrapped up in the moment that you forget there’s a boon to be had in what’s happening. Don’t lose sight of the fact that the changes taking place are meant to be, and are leading you to something better if you’re willing to seize the opportunities presented in the wake of the storm.


Daily Self Kindness

I worked a bit on catching up on orders, but more importantly,  I didn’t push and took a nap when I was really feeling the need for one.

Lessons Learned and Growth

78 Tarot Animal Tarot of the Wild and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal CardsToday’s meditation took place after my shower and was supposed to be ten minutes long.  I ended up falling asleep part way through the meditation, though, so I’d say it was probably closer to six… maybe eight minutes.

The focus of today’s meditation was the affirmation on the posted Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal card (with the flying squirrel on it).  It speaks of challenges being opportunities to “level up” in life, and this card is one of the first cards that ever really “struck home” for me when I was first given this deck.

Today’s draw is the Page of Swords, which is traditionally a representation of a receptive omega energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s intelligence, education, thoughts, logic, and communication. This often translates into themes that have to do with learning new things, especially in the area of being open-minded and/or expanding on previous experience.

Sometimes, it feels like we have to repeat the same lessons over and over before they manage to “stick” in our heads.  This lizard stands with sword in hand, and looks about to try and climb it, but if he tries?  He’s going to learn quickly that you can’t climb something that isn’t firmly anchored first.

The message in today’s card is to make sure you only need to make the same mistake once instead of over and over.  Pay attention to what goes wrong so that you have the knowledge and experience you need to try again and do better the next time.


@Lionharts #TheJuneTarot The Seeker’s Path Prompt
Questions for June 16th thru 18th – Embrace

78 Tarot Animal Tarot of the Wild and The Southern Gothic Oracle with Expansion PacksWhat aspects of myself can I embrace more fully to live a more authentic and fulfilling life?

Six of Pentacles, Dogwood Blossoms atop Sassafras – Sacrificing your time and energy to assist others in need of help is healing for you. It makes you feel good. Don’t allow yourself to see it as a burden, but rather as a method of self-care.

When it starts to feel like a burden instead of something that makes you feel good, it means you need to practice more moderation and work on a better balance.

How can I better embrace the beauty of my imperfections and appreciate the uniqueness of my journey?

The Devil and The Conjured Spirit – Keep yourself aware of your addictions so you can be on top of things of when they begin to get out of hand. Make sure you are paying attention to how your negative inner narrative influences the strength of those addictions and their negative consequences. Self-awareness is key.

What steps can I take to embrace my unique qualities and celebrate my individuality?

Five of Cups Rx and The Vampire of Richmond – Take care to not let your pessimistic nature have control and think that it is always right. You need to remember to lean into positivity, even if that’s not where you particularly shine or feel most confident. Not doing so will make it harder and harder to keep that negativity in check where it belongs.


Daily Self Kindness

I was greedy and claimed the last of the brownies for myself.