Skip the Verdigris

IMG_7975Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and was another guided meditation with interval timer for my piriformis stretches.

The topic of today’s meditation was about dealing with anxiety during stressful times.  In truth, it was about the calming benefits of taking a breath.  I’ve often helped others find that particular benefit, coaching them in taking a moment to sit tall and seek to put distance between your straight shoulders and your ears before then slowly taking a breath that starts down in the pit of your belly and slowly fills your stomach, then solar plexus, then chest.  The beat of pause, then slow exhale that comes after as you release that air.

One slow, deep breath with your spine straight and your neck not in hyper extended position.  Just one.  And sometimes that one breath is all that is needed to turn the tide on panic, anxiety, frustration, anger, or fear.

Traditional Manga Tarot - The WorldToday’s draw is the World card, which is traditionally a representation of reaching the end of a long journey of growth and development, and stepping through that closure to move on to the next.  In coming to the end of this journey, there is both accomplishment and an anticipation for what new journey lies beyond.  Many consider this card a representation of reincarnation.

What stands out to me the strongest in the imagery of this card today is the embrace that these two figures have upon the earth.  Specifically, though, the figure in the background that appears to curl around the curvature of the earth and rest upon it in a loving embrace.

The message here is that when you come to the end of a journey of growth, it’s not a time to look back and judge harshly what you have done and/or not done along the way.

It’s instead a time to celebrate your accomplishments and look forward with anticipation.  You’ve done good.  You’ve accomplished something.  You’ve found yourself at a place where there has been clear growth and you’re now better in some way than you were before.  Don’t tarnish that or diminish it with negative judgements.


#DiscordTarotolicsNov2020 Challenge Prompt
: What do I need to focus on for self care this full moon?

Elemental TarotReading Summary: As I’m working my fingers to the bone to bring in the cash (King of Pentacles atop Justice), don’t forget to enjoy yourself (The Sun) and keep optimism alive (The Star).

Take Away: There have been a lot of these reminders lately, and the truth is? I need them. The thing is, there are consequences to our actions, and the Justice card here is very much all about consequences. When you work hard, the money rolls in. When you work hard, you risk burnout and overwhelm. You forget to look at the bright side.  You forget to smile and have fun. All work, no play is a very unhealthy thing.

And thus the reminder to keep the fun and enjoyment up, and the positivity flowing.  These things are not in my nature and are not easy, but they help keep everything in balance.


Full Moon in Gemini – November 2020

Edmund Dulac Tarot - Full Moon in Gemini Tarot Reading

Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us.  Today’s spread is brought to you by Ethony‘s Tarot By the Moon series.

1. Where am I deluding myself?

Happily ever after doesn’t just magically appear no matter how much you want it to.  Cinderella may have had a fairy godmother, but you on the other hand have to steer your own chariot.  Although the summer was very relaxing and the fall was filled with procrastination and lack of direction, you’re no longer in either of those seasons any longer.  No time to dawdle anymore.

2. What am I missing?

The wind blows at your back and the water laps at your feet.  They usher you forward and all you need to do is ride the energy they provide. You may have to do for yourself, but the chaos will make its own energy for you to ride if you open yourself up to it and let it sweep you away.

3. What perceptions need to be shifted?

What others see and think doesn’t matter. Don’t use your perception of their judgements as an excuse to swirl darkness into your life.  Be kind to yourself instead and allow light to shine through the darkness that would otherwise be allowed to spread through your insides.

4. What requires further investigation?

Open your eyes and look around.  A threat comes from the east and it needs your attention.  You have the capability of deflecting the worst of it from landing and wreaking havoc, but only if you keep your eyes open for the attacking harpy that’s coming your way.

5. What possibilities are ready to show themselves?

This holiday rush is providing me the opportunity to see just how much illumination and light that a bit of extra optimism can bring into my life. The little seed of light that was available to me and fostered by me in the summer months is now ready to glow brightly, but will only be as bright as the energy that I feed into.  Don’t forget to feed that light even when things are at their busiest and most chaotic.


Love and Kindness

IMG_7967Today’s meditation was just over ten minutes long and was combined with interval timer for my stretches.  The topic of this guided meditation was about the small choices we make… in other words, the butterfly effect.

It was about how with each small good choice we make for ourselves in our lives, we foster and encourage goodness and positivity and healthy habits to develop and take root.  And how it’s important to encourage this positive growth, as opposed to feeding the bad habits and making bad choices that hold us back.

Tarot of the Little Prince - Ten of SwordsToday’s draw is the Ten of Swords, which is traditionally a representation of painful endings, the dying off of hard times, and the end of cycles of difficulty and trials.  The swords suit is, after all, a story about tragedy and the Ten of Swords is the end of said tragedy before the hero of the story picks themselves back up and brushes themselves off to try again.

I find the imagery in this card to be extremely disorienting today.  I’m not sure if it has always made me feel this way, but today? When I look at this card it feels as if the entire world has been turned upside down.  And in this chaotic, confusing world the boy curls close the fox that is his companion to protect the fox from being hurt or lost.

The message here is about making sure that you are caring for your heart… your soft squishy insides.  When the world falls into chaos, make sure you’re taking care of what’s important to you… including yourself.  Kindness and love is needed.  It might not conquer all… but it makes everything just a little bit better.


#DiscordTarotolicsNov2020 Challenge Prompt
: Do Spread #4

Tarots Egyptiens Anima AntiquaWhat have I been taking for granted?

Nine of Coins – I spend so much time focusing on where I’m going and what I need to do that I’ve forgotten to take time to enjoy the present and what I have in the now.  Gideon reminded me earlier today of this. I was sad about having lost my “easy”… that easy going nature I’d had when I was younger siphoned away over time as I started my own businesses and responsibilities piled on my shoulders.

He reminded me that yes, that “easy” was nice, but it was also a time in my life where I was struggling just to feed myself.  In the same way as looking back on what I miss, I often train my focus forward on where I want to go… but in truth?  I need to spend more of my focus on the now, and just how good I have it these days.

What’s been holding me back from seeing my blessings clearly?

Six of Swords Rx – My determination to move forward and claim more of what I want out of life, to achieve more and succeed.  To stake my claim on the future. This determination has made it difficult to ease up and enjoy the present to its fullest.

How can I better express my gratitude in the future?

Knight of Cups – Instead of focusing so hard on responsibilities and goals, seek out the things that bring me joy and satisfaction and go after them instead.  Seek the things that foster a bit of pleasure in the present instead of constantly striving for more out of the future.

What do I need to acknowledge gratitude for in my relationships?

Four of Swords – I am so grateful that those in my life understand my need for alone time and encourage that.  It’s something that I don’t express a lot of gratitude for, but having had some experience in the past few years with some truly extroverted people that need a good deal of social contact?  I have come to realize that the friends and loved ones I have are very unique in that they are supportive of my need for alone time.  I didn’t realize how rare this was until… well, just now when thinking about it.

What do I need to acknowledge gratitude for in my finances?

Five of Cups – This is an echo of the response in my first question of this spread.  It’s about realizing how good I have it now, and feeling gratitude for the present and all that I have in this present moment. I need to stop telling myself that I’m not doing enough… that it’s not enough… that I’m not enough.

What do I need to acknowledge gratitude for in my work life?

King of Cups – I am able to do what truly nourishes my soul.  Sometimes I might feel worn down and tired, and I might not enjoy it as much as I could… or should.  But, the fact remains, I’m doing what I love. I’m doing what I enjoy. And, through my work, I share my pleasure and enjoyment, my emotions and my hopes and the energy of my positive emotions with others with every single piece that I ship out.


Gideon’s Challenge

Autumn Nip

slips to
winter cold
wet clings
to everything
but even now
beauty holds
all rapt
in its

The transition from fall to winter is a slow one in this part of the world, filled with a nip in the air and cold rains, vibrant leaves and emerging green as evergreens overtake autumn shades.

Photo © ZenStatePhotography

Self Care Saturday (On a Sunday)

These Saturday readings are (not usually) bearing in on any one thing or event in my life, as the question used is asking for a more general outlook. This is a self care exercise, and is not meant as a predictive reading… although that, too, happens on occasion.

The question is… What do I need to focus for self-care through the week ahead?

Scorpio Sea Tarot, Edmund Dulac Tarot, Sacred Journey Oracle

EarthThe Sun and Consulting the Ancestors – Echoing back to yesterday’s reading about where joy resides, here we see The Sun in the earth’s grounding position. What would your ancestors say to you if they saw you working the way that you do?  Not your father, but your guides and those that love and support you on the other side.  Would they tell you to work yourself to the bone and neglect yourself in the process?

Stability and security are merely a foundation.  They are the safe and sturdy foundation on which you then dance joyously upon, safe in knowing each step of your dance will not be on crumbling stone, but sturdy ground.

AirTen of Cups and In the Clouds – Keep your chin up and make the effort to keep your inner dialogue positive.  Crappy shit happens and stress can be a killer, but if you can keep your mind focused on the positive it will help you in overcoming the darkness that tries to seep in.  And start taking some vitamin D.

WaterThree of Cups, The Ice Queen, Clandestine Escape – This week may feel like everything is working in sync, but watch out for the darker emotions just beneath the surface.  Don’t freeze them out or forget they’re there, or you may find them sneaking up on you unexpectedly when you’re not looking.

FireFive of Wands and The Butterfly Trap – You know that saying that when you fall off the horse, get up and try again? Here it is, literally before your eyes. Keep in mind that things are going to take some patience and a bit of a gentle touch this week if you don’t want to fall on your ass again and again.

WaningThe Actress – Step away from showing a brave face this week and give the genuine article to the world. Vulnerability sucks, but it’s necessary, even now during the hurried chaos of the holiday rush. Don’t hide behind a mask of composure and control.

WaxingMother Earth – Rising into power this week and in need of your focus is the need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. This doesn’t just include self care activities like soaking in the tub or doing your meditation, but also making sure that you’re getting out in nature, even if it’s just for an hour now and then.  Don’t forsake that connection, as it can help you in feeling more at peace and more in control.

Take Away – The take away here is that I need to make sure I focus on self care and fostering joy this week.  Right now the holiday rush is about building up that foundation that helps foster stability and security.  That stability and security is the building blocks that create the house of joy. Take care of yourself, love yourself, give yourself what you need, and be gentle with yourself.  Stay aware of lurking shadows and keep them at bay by leaning into optimism, but make sure you don’t forget they’re there… and sneaky.