📆 Transitioning from March to April

Month End Tarot Reading with the Tarot Landscapes Tarot

Here and Now I Exist – Who you are now, in your entirety.

Eight of Pentacles atop The Hermit – You have been forced to be around a lot of people lately, and been away from your work now long enough to begin missing it. You are craving some alone time to work on your craft.

The Slough – What is to be left in the past as you move forward.

Two of Cups Rx atop Queen of Swords – Don’t let cold receptions and calculated words from others hurt you or distance you from those you have a close connection with.

What Lies Ahead – An ideal state or ideal self you are seeking at this time.

Six of Pentacles – You seek to be more accepting of kindness from others without so much of your own pessimistic suspicion getting in the way.

Limitations – Negative influences, opposition, or ill will.

Six of Wands Rx – Don’t allow others opinions or expectations to hold you back. People pleasing is not the path to happiness or balance.

The Boon – Positive influences, higher guidance, or divine intervention.

The Sun Rx – Remember that you can’t win them all. There’s always going to be a snake in the grass (or a rabbit in the garden) there to cause trouble or hardship. You don’t have to ignore them, but you shouldn’t allow them to take away the positives that you can get from any situation either.

The Wound – An unpleasant past experience or event that is ripe for some support and healing.

Nine of Wands Rx – Sometimes shit happens that you just can’t guard against or be prepared for. Carrying that baggage and being anxious about a repeat is not productive. Take a deep breath and let it go.

Nostalgia – A positive past experience or event to acknowledge, reflect upon, and enjoy.

Temperance – Temperance can be used to your advantage rather than something you strive for. Wolves don’t always go for the sheep. If you distract them with something they want more than your own hide, you can often circumvent disaster and find peace in the strangest of places.

A Warning – Something coming that can be prevented or overcome.

King of Swords – Too much time alone to think is not going to do anyone any good. If you’re going to lead, make sure you are connecting with those you are leading instead of holding yourself apart.

Empowerment – A future opportunity to work toward.

Judgement Rx – Grounding is needed. Think less about the future and more about the present. You don’t have to keep your eye on the horizon all the time to still move in the direction you want to go in. Instead, spend some time looking around you and enjoying the moment.

Message from the Spirit World – Being too harsh in your judgments of others will steal your happiness just as quickly as turning that judgmental eye on yourself.

Message from the Mind’s World – Spend your alone time working on seeing the positive in people rather than judging them (or yourself) harshly.

Message from the Physical World – Stop putting so much of yourself out there for others. Take a more moderate pace and live for yourself instead.


Ostara 2024 – Spring Equinox

Today is the Spring Equinox, which is considered by many to be the first day of Spring, and is one of only two moments in the year when the sun is exactly above the Equator and, as a result, day and night are of equal length. After this day, the brightness of daylight begins to overtake the dark hours in the sky as the days continue to longer and longer, and the nights shorter and shorter.  This transition is the basis within the celebration of the holiday itself, as we celebrate the warming and awakening of the earth as she prepares to share her abundance and generosity with us all.

Today’s spread takes a look at some of the elements associated with the Spring Equinox, and the advice they have to offer us.

Spring Equinox Tarot Reading with the Lili White Tarot

Tulips – Loyalty / Forgiveness: Where do I need to practice forgiveness to foster stronger loyalty?

Knight of Wands atop Page of Wands Rx – sometimes when you wing it instead of taking your time to learn things at a reasonable pace, things go awry. Let go of the blame you feel in these moments. Experimentation has value, even in the times it sends you back to the drawing board.

Robin – Compassion / Patience: How can I give myself more compassion and patience?

Four of Swords – Give yourself the room to rest and recover that is needed. You wouldn’t push someone else in your own situation, so stop pushing yourself and use this time to strategize instead of acting.

Rose Quartz – Unconditional Love: How can I be more open to offering unconditional love to others?

Eight of Cups Rx – Be ruthless in cutting out those in your life that don’t deserve your love and loyalty, and it will open up more of those qualities in yourself to give to those that are truly deserving.

Aquamarine – Calm / Courage: What do I need to help me to stay calm and courageous in the face of adversity?

The Empress – Time in nature, nurturing relationships with both yourself and others, and a mindfulness towards abundance.

Butterfly – Transformation: What sort of transformation is waiting for me this spring?

King of Swords and Deserve – You deserve love and happiness, but sometimes to get it you have to take up the reigns, strategize your path forward, and take others with you along for the ride.

Clover – Luck / Protection: Where in life will luck play into protecting me from potential harm?

King of Cups – You are very lucky in love, and in having someone in your life that doesn’t want to just hear about your emotions, but wants to help guide you in learning about them.

Rabbit – Fertility / Abundance: How can I encourage more abundance in my life this spring?

The Moon Rx atop Five of Cups – Take care to be aware of when uncertainties make you sour. You don’t have to snap back or become negative during these times, but it’s something that you’re going to have to keep an eye on and be aware of or it will happen again and again.


Curve Balls and Challenges

changeofpace02I… am dealing with a curve ball.

A mini-hiatus is necessary as a result.

There won’t be a catch-up this time. Instead, I’ll just start posting again once I am capable.

I hope you are all doing well, and I’ll be back to posting as soon as I can!

For my clients… readings are still open, but my turn-around time on them is slightly increased. If you can hold off until April, I’d appreciate it. If you can’t? That’s okay too, just know it’ll take me a little longer than the norm to get your readings sent to you. ❤️

🌑 New Moon in Pisces – March 2024

Tonight is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of Owl and Bones Tarot.

New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading with the Heart of Gold Tarot - Three of Cups, Three of Wands, The Hermit, Strength, Death, The Hierophant

What is raw?

The Hermit Rx – You are not getting the healthy alone time you crave, and haven’t got so long now that you’ve forced your wants and needs in this area into hiding.

What has left you insecure?

The Hierophant Rx – New methods being prioritized over traditional ones. A lack of teaching others due to this societal trend. It feels like your methods are being rejected by the new and upcoming.

What are you waiting for?

Three of Wands – Movement. Your inner needs require it. You are healing right now, but you will soon be able to strap on your hiking boots once again.

What enhances your spiritual search?

Three of Cups – Others. Sharing time with other like-minded individuals.

What do you find?

Death – Again and again and again, change rears its head. Work on getting used to the idea that life is constantly changing.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Strength – Make sure you are prioritizing kindness over force. As the saying goes, you draw more bees with honey than vinegar.


Personal Space

#DailyTrip from the Calm app - Dolly Parton quoteToday’s meditation was eleven minutes long and was one of the #DailyTrip sessions in the Calm app. The session’s topic was about frustration, and how to sit with one’s frustration instead of trying to purge it by lashing out at others.

I can’t say that I really enjoyed this one. The exploration of a negative emotion during a time when I’m trying to find calm and peace just doesn’t fit well for me.  I see the usefulness in using meditation in this manner, but it’s just not for me. At least not at this time in my life.

Nishikigoi Tarot's Death card and It’s Going To Be Okay 2024 Day-to-day Calendar By Kate AllanToday’s draw is the Death card combined with the affirmation “You deserve to take up space.”

And I am going to be taking up a lot of damned space apparently.  Surgery tomorrow with a morning notification just this morning.  I’m spending today getting orders ready to go and then… lets just say the rest of this month is going to suck balls probably.

The message in today’s cards is that change is on the rise and  I need to make sure that I give myself my own personal space.  Keep boundaries in place and allow myself what I need instead of always shuffling it to the back burner.  During this transitioning period, it’s more important than ever.


The #RootingWiththeEmpress #RootYourself Witch Prompt
Prompts for March 4th thru 6th

Nishikigoi Tarot - Knight of Cups, The Emperor, Two of SwordsWhat must be left behind so I may grow into my full potential?

Two of Swords Rx – Indecision. Especially the sort that’s exacerbated by the inability to see at all the facts involved.  Sometimes making a decision in these circumstances has to be a leap of faith rather than something based on weighing options and logical choices. Don’t let yourself get stymied.

Where must I settle into my own grounding now?

The Emperor – Responsibilities can often feel heavy, but they also have the ability to ground you if you let them. Instead of looking at them as a crushing weight you are struggling under, try and shift your perspective to see your responsibilities as something that helps keep you grounded.

In what ways am I self-sabotaging my progress?

Knight of Cups – You are indulging too heavily in the pleasure of languishing rather than participating in that active pursuit of other healthier pleasures.


Daily Self Kindness

Working on getting all my orders kicked out tonight so that I can go into tomorrow without order stress to worry about.

Relationships Need Time

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Tarot Landscapes King of Cups, Earth Heart Wisdom Cards, Magic & Light Affirmation CardsToday’s draw is the King of Cups combined with the affirmation “Use your deep power of knowledge and your perfect intuition to be your guide. Ask the universe for a peaceful harmony to everything you consider important.”

You need him.  You need him in your life in order to create balance and the steady foundation for growth that you are working through.

He is your touch stone. Your beacon of focus within the massive sea of the world at large.

Remember that relationships take work, and need time and attention in order to be healthy.  Make sure you are giving your relationship the time it needs.


#DiscordTarotholicsMar2024 Challenge Prompt
Prompt for March 3rd
: Do Spread 1
With spring approaching, it’s time to start cleaning out the old energies of hibernation and stagnation that winter can often bring. In this spread, look for those thoughts and things that need to be let go in order to allow you to flourish this spring.

Earth Angel Message Cards and Tarot Landscapes - Four of Wands, Ten of Swords, The High PriestessWhat do I need to let go of to…

Ease My MindFour of Wands and The Healer – Consider where you feel the most healing energy. Where do you go that fills you up? Stop hibernating at home and avoiding these places. Get back out into nature and let it begin to heal the raw wounds inside you that the past year has created.

Lighten My HeartTen of Swords and Grace – Gratitude makes the heart grow lighter. You are at the end of a journey. Let go of your need to wallow in the endings, the what ifs, and worry about what’s next. Instead, focus on the good that has been accomplished along the way and let that lift you up.

Free My Creative SparkThe High Priestess and Abundance – You are far richer than you give yourself credit for. Those secret whispers in your head don’t always give you time to ground in your abundance. Instead of always listening to them, remember to look at the cold hard facts that all can easily see, and acknowledge what you have in front of you.


Daily Self Kindness

I finished off the night with Gideon.