Finding the Positive for August 31

Cosmic Coven Tarot - The High PriestessAugust 31

The High Priestess – You learn through experience, and so does your intuition. Living here with Ms B has been difficult and there’s been a lot of physical and emotional struggle, but there is also intuitive growth happening during this time. Being in a home with active spirits of the dead (as opposed to the Fae that occupy your own home) is giving you a chance to stretch your wings in your mediumship abilities. In this way, remember that you are gaining from this experience with Ms B as well as learning, experiencing, and growing stronger. Not just physically or emotionally, but intuitively as well.


📆 Transitioning from August to September

Month End Check-In Tarot Reading with The Land of Stories Tarot

Here and Now I Exist – Who you are now, in your entirety.

Strength Rx – You are not feeling particularly powerful at the moment, and are struggling with self confidence while powering through. Self doubts are natural, but take care not to let them take over.

The Slough – What is to be left in the past as you move forward.

The Star – Wishful thinking. Things cannot change unless -you- put in the work to change them. Sitting back and waiting for them to change on their own is not the answer.

What Lies Ahead – An ideal state or ideal self you are seeking at this time.

The Hermit atop Queen of Wands – Independence to once again pursue your own passions and inspire others to do the same. You want to get back to the status quo where you have the alone time and independence you need, and the room to foster your creative spirit and let your creativity flow.

Limitations – Negative influences, opposition, or ill will.

Two of Cups – Those loved ones closest to you in your life right now. Your current situation is a together sort of thing, and you can’t get out of it, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you and you need to be aware of that.

The Boon – Positive influences, higher guidance, or divine intervention.

Seven of Wands – You are stubborn and strong, and have the ability to fight back by doing things for yourself that are right for you. Even when others might think they are being selfish or try to make you feel bad about them.

The Wound – An unpleasant past experience or event that is ripe for some support and healing.

Ten of Wands – Don’t forget that you can only carry so much. You know what the sensations of burnout feel like, and the things you can do to mitigate them. You are flirting with that line again and again this year, and you need to do more for yourself to keep from crossing over into burnout again.

Nostalgia – A positive past experience or event to acknowledge, reflect upon, and enjoy.

Ace of Swords – You are smart, capable, and know how to communicate your needs. Look back on times when you have done so well, and use them to bolster you into doing the same in the present.

A Warning – Something coming that can be prevented or overcome.

Nine of Cups – Don’t get comfortable. Remember that when you slow down, that’s when shit hits the fan. Better to keep moving than lay back and relax and end up being shaken back to life by the harsh bite of fate.

Empowerment – A future opportunity to work toward.

Ten of Coins – A return to a sense of stability and security is absolutely possible. The month ahead provides you the opportunity to make that happen, and as long as you keep working toward that goal, you’ll get there.

Message from the Spirit World – Don’t fall into sitting on your laurels and enjoying what you have, you still need to fight for what you really want to achieve.

Message from the Mind’s World – It’s okay to feel weak sometimes as long as you keep your chin up and give yourself what you need in order to heal and recover your spark.

Message from the Physical World – Put upon others in your life the responsibility of finding ways to take some of the weight off your shoulders. Show them you need their help.


Finding the Positive for August 28 – 30

Inkromancy 4 Kickass Tarot, Swear Tarot, Tons of Luck II Theme Park Tarot, and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal Cards

August 28

Five of Wands – You know, I never thought of Sailor Moon cartoon characters as butting heads, and yet here the wands are on the five of wands. Today’s card is a reminder that even when you butt heads with others, it’s still possible to get things done and make great things happen. Conflict is uncomfortable, but sometimes it’s a necessary part of the process. Don’t shy away from it… work through it instead and everything will sort itself out in the end.


August 29

Six of Swords – Instead of trying to quash your anxieties and worries, berating them or shoving them under the rug… try talking about them instead. When you discuss them with others, it helps expunge them from your head, effectively giving them an outlet to be let go of instead of forcing yourself to hold onto them while trying to ignore them.


August 30

Six of Swords – When this is all over, make sure that you remember to give yourself time to rest and recover instead of just jumping back in full speed into everything else.  Slough off this time and take a moment or three to feel the difference that removing that weight feels like.  Take a breath and give yourself time to recuperate.  You need it, whether you will be wanting to give it to yourself or not.


Good Omens Tarot Reading

Good Omens Oracle Reading with The Empty Cup Oracle and Prosperitea Game Cards

Manifest: What positive energies or opportunities are manifesting in my life right now?

Flying Fish and Assam (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) – You do not have to be grounded all of the time. It’s healthy for you to cut loose and try new things. Step outside the box and follow the occasional urge that you would normally write off as frivolous or out of character.

Embrace: How can I recognize and embrace the good omens around me?

Pinky Promise and Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) – Work on becoming more aware of what’s really worth your energy and on easing your grip on everything else. When you are overburdened and distracted, it can be difficult to keep your gaze on the path to the person you want to become. Step back from the stress and burden enough to keep that path forward in your sights.

Note… a big part of that person you want to become included continuing to lean into positivity and optimism in order to counteract your pessimistic tendencies.

Align: What actions can I take to align myself with positive outcomes and blessings?

Diving Helmet and Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) – Relax, stay calm, and breathe deeply. Use the tools you know work to promote the sense of grounded calm that you need in order to be receptive to good things.


🌕 Full Moon in Pisces – August 2023

On Wednesday is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is brought to you by EmeraldLotusMystic.

Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading with the Francois Georgin Épinal Tarot Revived c1860

How is my subconscious affecting my everyday habits?

Eight of Swords – You are ignoring things that would be better acknowledged and dealt with. Avoidance happens, but you need to make sure you aren’t avoiding dealing with the things that are important.

What past life karma am I needing to feel?

Three of Coins – You have always struggled to work with others instead of doing things on your own. A part of this lifetime’s lesson is learning how to collaborate instead of always leaning in to doing things solo.

How can I find balance between my mind, body, and spirit?

Four of Cups – Meditation is key. Get back to it.  You cannot find balance without it.

What do I need to clear out (remove) at this time?

Six of Swords – Get rid of the idea that running away is a solution. Sometimes you have to stick around and resolve things instead. Your current situation is one of those times.

What is something I should say?

Ten of Coins – Tell those around you how grateful you are for them in your life and how wealthy, fortunate, and secure they make you feel. Although you don’t take them for granted, it can feel like it sometimes because you tend not to verbalize how much you value their presence in your life.

How can I connect with divine guidance at this time?

Five of Wands – Be open to opinions and methods that are not your own. Others have ideas too that are just as valid as yours.  Don’t squash their ideas outright, nor “talk over them” with your own.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

The Hanged Man – Listening does not mean acting. No action need be taken… just listen and allow others to feel heard.


Finding the Positive for August 25 – 27

Medicine Woman Tarot, Clarity Tarot, The Land of Stories Tarot, and Thera-Pets Emotional Support Animal Cards

August 25

The Hermit – Enjoy your time off.  Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about taking this time for yourself and enjoying it.  You need alone time in order to handle how much time you’re spending around other people, and there’s nothing to feel guilty about.  Know yourself well enough to know you need it, and give yourself what you need.


August 26

Nine of Swords – Worries and anxieties can make it hard sometimes to see clearly. Remember that the future isn’t written in stone and you are more than capable of dealing with what’s before you. Don’t let the “what if” scenarios in your head and negative self narratives drag you off course by giving rise to self doubts.


August 27

Eight of Pentacles – Rest assured that things will eventually return to normal. It’s coming, and you can get there.  It’s going to take hard work and diligence to make it, though. Don’t give up, just keep working at it. When you put your nose to the grindstone, you have a tendency to accomplish great things and take everyone by surprise in the process… sometimes even yourself.  This can be another one of those times.