Finding the Positive for December 30 – 31

These Card of the Day readings are a mental health exercise (suggested by my shrink) used to help counterbalance my natural tendency toward pessimism, negative inner narratives, and depression. The request posed to the cards is, “A positive message to carry with me throughout my day and foster perspective.”

December 30

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Six of Cups – “Life will always bend you, but you’re too strong to break.” Don’t forget to remember the good. Your history is not just full of challenges, tests, and trials; it is also full of moments of survival, valuable lessons, and successes. Don’t let that negative and pessimistic tendency within you turn you away from the memories of the good things you’ve experienced.


December 31

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Eight of Pentacles – “You are strong and smart and you’ve got this!” You have come a long way and proven your resilience again and again, and with each challenge along the way your skills in not just your work but in life as a whole level up. Don’t let moments of doubt and that negative inner narrative of yours convince you otherwise. In a couple days you will step back into life with renewed focus on those things that truly matter to you, your transition from the holiday rush back to regular life ending like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.  Don’t allow self doubts to hold you back, but instead lean into your experience.


Transitioning from December to January

Month End Check-In Tarot Reading with the Bearot Deck

Here and Now I Exist – Who you are now, in your entirety.

Ace of Swords Rx – You are not communicating. You need to share with others how you are feeling and where you are struggling, but instead you are still keeping it all to yourself.

The Slough – What is to be left in the past as you move forward.

The Tower – It’s time to cut out the catastrophizing. You need to work on leaving this mindset behind. Chaos and sudden change really isn’t the end of the world, so don’t make it out to be in your mind and self talk.

What Lies Ahead – An ideal state or ideal self you are seeking at this time.

Nine of Cups – You are seeking a state of emotional satiation. Over the past year (not just during the holiday rush) you have had to close yourself off from your emotions. You are overdue to let them out and find the state emotional well-being that you’ve been missing.

Limitations – Negative influences, opposition, or ill will.

Page of Cups – Your emotions are raw and hurting right now. It makes it hard to uncover them and air them out. Take care not to let them steer your reactions as you are working to untangle the knots.

The Boon – Positive influences, higher guidance, or divine intervention.

King of Cups – Gideon may be going through his own crises right now, but but don’t forget that his presence is still the same stable emotional support for you as he has always been.

The Wound – An unpleasant past experience or event that is ripe for some support and healing.

The Magician – You were raised to always be capable and on target, to utilize your skills and tools towards your goals and thus not just succeed but shine. This impossible standard has created a perpetual “not good enough” mentality that is now ready for some healing.

Nostalgia – A positive past experience or event to acknowledge, reflect upon, and enjoy.

Knight of Cups – You’ve made a lot of progress in getting in touch with your emotions over the years, and you can absolutely do it again. Take time to reflect on your past methods to find the path forward in the present.

A Warning – Something coming that can be prevented or overcome.

The Empress Rx – Don’t allow yourself to fall into self abuse and neglect. You are at a transition point and you need to focus on self care in order to steer yourself onto the right path moving forward.

Empowerment – A future opportunity to work toward.

Seven of Wands Rx – Less fighting, conflict, and struggle. More peace, serenity, and comfort. You have the opportunity at this time to turn the tables from stress and strife to a better, more comfortable way forward.

Take Away – There is a lot here about your current transition from the stress of the holiday rush into a better and healthier emotional and mental place.  You are being encouraged to make sure you stay on track towards balance and self care. Focus on being kind to yourself, not suppressing your emotions, and sharing your feelings with others.


Tarotholics Challenge Dec 31

#DiscordTarotholicsDec2023 Challenge
: Grab a spread of your choice that you’ve been curious about… and give it a go!

Year Projection Cartomancy Reading with the Pride Knights Playing Cards

The Foundation: Explore the core energies shaping your year, the underlying themes that will set the stage for your journey.

Ten of Clubs – This year has the potential to be not just a year to reflect on and enjoy your successes and stability you’ve created, but to share it and enjoy it all with others as well.

The Challenges: Uncover potential obstacles or lessons that may arise, guiding you to navigate with wisdom and resilience.

Queen of Spades atop Queen of Clubs – Make sure that your snark does not become a bite that hurts others. It can deconstruct all of the progress toward a happy and stable future that you’ve made if you don’t take care to keep yourself steady and supportive instead of sharp and jagged.

Opportunities: Discover the hidden treasures and opportunities awaiting you on your path, encouraging growth and expansion.

King of Hearts – Gideon helps you stay soft and provides guidance towards your emotional growth. Ensure that you don’t lose sight of your goal to spend more time with him this year, and in doing so your own emotional growth will be fostered and expand.

Self-Discovery: Delve into aspects of self that will unfold and evolve throughout the year, fostering personal development and awareness.

Ten of Spades – Seek new ways to move forward from here that will be healthier for you in the long run. Leave the past trials behind and only carry forward with you the lessons you have learned.

Guidance: Seek insight from your spiritual guides or the universe, offering guidance and wisdom to illuminate your path forward.

Eight of Clubs – Sometimes life moves quickly. You need to take care to keep you eye on what you want to achieve, not just in business but in your own self development and self care as well. Foster stability even during those times when things feel like they are moving too quickly.


Finding the Positive for December 28 – 29

These Card of the Day readings are a mental health exercise (suggested by my shrink) used to help counterbalance my natural tendency toward pessimism, negative inner narratives, and depression. The request posed to the cards is, “A positive message to carry with me throughout my day and foster perspective.”

Trickster's Journey Tarot, Snail Marseille, and Christmas Affirmation Cards

December 28

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long, and was one of the Daily Calm sessions from the Calm app. It was a yoga nidra session that involved scanning the entire body from head to toe before expanding one’s focus to incorporate the entire body and your surrounding energy, combined with a reminder that this time of year is often about resetting ourselves and that a part of that is in treating ourselves kindly.

Three of Cups – “I am a work in progress, and that’s okay.” You don’t have to be “good enough” to have a little fun and revelry in your life. You don’t have to be “perfect” to celebrate. Don’t let your issues with not feeling as if you’re “enough” hold you back from enjoying time with others and having a bit of fun. Life’s too short to be serious all the time.


December 29

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long, and was one of the Daily Calm sessions from the Calm app. The topic of today’s meditation was Carpe Diem, and reminded the listener that when opportunities present themselves it’s important to strike instead of procrastinating.

Le Pape – Sage advice crops up again and again because it’s good advice. Sage suggests wide experience, great learning, and wisdom.  It returns to you again and again through elders and the wise. Don’t discount it as boring or droll, for those reactions are you shrugging off wisdom hard-earned by others. Instead, try listening and taking what advice is being given to heart. Today, that wisdom is “Let’s just deal with today. You can deal with tomorrow tomorrow.”


Tarotholics Challenge Dec 28, 29, 30

#DiscordTarotholicsDec2023 Challenge
Questions for December 28th thru 30th

Tarotholics Challenge Tarot Reading with the Naked Heart Tarot

What needs to be purged and/or completed before the end of the year?

Justice – Discarded the “what if” thinking that can often get out of hand. Diligence towards consequences is important, but don’t let it get so out of hand that it holds you back from experiencing life.

What can you do to feel more fulfilled in your day-to-day life?

Nine of Pentacles – Make sure that you are taking time to appreciate your what you have gained and your accomplishments along the way. It’s not arrogance to be grateful for and enjoy the fruits of your labors, no matter what you were taught growing up.

What last minute preparations for the new year need your focus?

Knight of Cups – Set your feet on life’s path in the direction of your pleasure and emotional connectivity. What do you enjoy? What makes you happy? It’s time to focus your energy there. Don’t just wish for it or think about it, but actually begin moving in that direction.


Finding the Positive for December 25 – 27

These Card of the Day readings are a mental health exercise (suggested by my shrink) used to help counterbalance my natural tendency toward pessimism, negative inner narratives, and depression. The request posed to the cards is, “A positive message to carry with me throughout my day and foster perspective.”

Christmas Tarot Major Arcana, Seasonal Fox Tarot Night Edition, Bearot Deck, and Christmas Affirmation Cards

December 25

Today’s meditation was skipped.

The High Priestess – “You’re doing fine! Don’t give up.”  You can’t expect your intuition, which you’ve learned over the past few years is connected to your emotions, to just rise back up to normal standards overnight after having shut down your emotions for a good six weeks… not to mention what went on over the summer.  It’s no surprise that you’re running blind right now.  Although your intuition isn’t completely silent, you’re working at a level closer to where you were a good five years ago than the level you’ve developed into over those past five years.

Just take a breath and keep going, give yourself the healing self care you need and allow yourself to relax and enjoy. It will come back, it’s just waiting for you to plow the soil of your emotions, digging them up and loosening the soil to allow for your more recent growth to return and continue. You’re doing fine… just focus on taking care of yourself and everything will fall into place.


December 26

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Three of Pentacles – “Even on the coldest of night the stars still shine bright.” Let others help you in seeing the positive and in keeping you out of depression’s pit. It doesn’t have to be a solo effort, and they all have abilities and techniques different than your own that can assist you in this endeavor. Leaning on them and allowing them to help is healthy, and will build a path towards success that will be harder to obtain on your own.


December 27

Today’s meditation was skipped, although I may do one a bit later tonight while soaking in the tub, if I get the chance to soak as I’d planned.

King of Swords – “You are judging yourself too harshly.”  I usually associate the Queen of Swords with harsh judgements, but in this case it is referring to my responsibilities and obligations, and how I am judging myself harshly in not having done more and over taking this break over the new year in the wake of the holiday rush.  And… the cards are right.  I am judging myself harshly.  These cards are a reminder that I need to set judgements aside and breathe instead of rehashing what went wrong and pushing on where to go from here.