Nature Time is Self Care Time

Today’s meditation was skipped again today. I need to figure out a way to get my ass back into the habit again instead of just thinking about it in the evenings as a “damn, I didn’t do it again”.

Gothic Tarot of Vampires and How to Be a Wildflower DeckToday’s draw is the Queen of Coins, which is traditionally a representation of a receptive alpha energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s finances, resources, health, hearth, manifestations, and the physical world. The energy of this card is down to earth, and that of a nurturer.

Combined with the affirmation card for today, what I see here is a call for me to get out into nature, to take in that healing balm that being among the moss and trees and rich damp earth provides me with.

Today is, unfortunately, not a day I’m going to be able to fulfill this need.  I can’t go out into nature, but the seed is planted and I will be going in the next couple of days.  I know that I need it.


#DiscordTarotholicsOct2021 Challenge Prompt
: Do the the Thinning Veil Tarot Spread

Cruel Thing TarotWhat spirits have come to visit and walk with me while the veil is thin?

The Empress – Those spirits that have come to visit and walk with you this year while the veil is thin are those spirit guides and ancestors that only want what is best for you. No hidden agendas, just nurturing and strength.

How are these spirits assisting in keeping me safe?

Two of Pentacles – They are helping you in finding balance in your life. When there is no balance, things start to careen out of control and feel too heavy. You become overwhelmed and struggle unnecessarily. Their guidance helps you keep things in balance at times when you need that extra assistance.

What should I offer to these spirits that are watching over me?

Knight of Wands – More eagerness to connect, and more focus on following through on the advice that they give. Too many times they have to beat you over the head with their advice, repeating it over and over again.

What cycle from the past do my Ancestors hope that I will break?

Six of Cups – Allowing the echoes of your past to dictate your present is a cycle that your Ancestors hope you will break. You aren’t the first in your lineage to struggle with this issue. Due to the fact that you have no offspring, and that neither you or your sister can produce any, this is not something that’s going to carry on into the next generation, but it is something they want you to overcome.

What do I know deep within my bones.

Ten of Swords – Everything is temporary. All things come to an end. Nothing last forever, and sometimes that end is painful, but can also filled with a bittersweet pleasure of relief.

What do the Spirits and Ancestors need for me to learn?

Five of Coins – Your spirits and ancestors need for you to learn how to overcome the scarcity issues that influence and control so much of your life. This fear rules over too much.

A message for me from the Spirits and Ancestors.

Queen of Cups – Do what you need to do to make sure that you’re taking the time to be kind to yourself and stay grounded. Do the things you need to do to nurture yourself, even when things feel otherwise out of control. These actions help you to stay in control of what is before you, creating a sense of stability within the surrounding chaos.

Side Note: Over the past week I’ve been struggling really hard, dealing with a huge amount of upset in my mental health.  I understand that a portion of this is because of the approach of the holiday rush, but after having a similar experience last year, I wonder if a part of this is also because over the past two years I have been working on opening myself up to my mediumship abilities, and that the thinning of the veil when it approaches its thinnest point is causing an enhanced amount of restlessness and disruption as a result.  I’m writing this side note on November 2nd, and I’m noting that as the veil now begins to thicken once more, I’m starting to feel better.  The timing is the same as last year.


PatriciaWestonWitch’s #wwpwHalloweenLenormand Prompt
Questions for October 30th and 31st

Shadowmyth Preservation Story Cards and Gothic Tarot of VampiresWhat’s too dark in my life?
Queen of Wands atop The Star, Nuclear Fallout

If you push too hard with your ambition, it’s snuffs out the light, creeping into degrade your hope, and close off your connection to the world around you.

What is the waning crescent moon’s wisdom for me today?
Nine of Coins atop The Sun, Pour It Out

In order for there to be room for the good stuff, you have to let go of the bad stuff. Just as when you stir good intentions into your tea, you first have to stare out negativity to make a room, or when your body releases waste and uses that process to expel toxins from the body so that you can then fill it up with more healthy fuel again. Make room for more good in your life.


Daily Self Kindness

I’m trying my best not to beat myself up after having an unexpected nap earlier when what I really need is some Gideon time.

Self Care Saturday (On a Sunday)

These Saturday readings are (not usually) bearing in on any one thing or event in my life, as the question used is asking for a more general outlook. This is a self care exercise, and is not meant as a predictive reading… although that, too, happens on occasion.

The question is… What do I need to focus for self-care through the week ahead?

Tarot de Marseille par Pole Ka, Garden of Lucid Daydreams Oracle, Mildred Payne's Oracle of Black Enchantment

EarthValet D’épée and The Demon – Work smarter, not harder.  See the angel coasting along in the back draft of the demon’s wake?  They’re both going to get where they’re going, but the angel will be far less tired. The Page of Swords combines with this card to indicate that I still have a lot to learn to get where I want to be, and I need to use my mind to discern easier ways to get there than the hard labor route I’m currently on.

AirEight of Cups and The Pruning – Work on moving away from damaging and unhealthy thought processes. Your negative inner dialogue has the ability to take over if you don’t keep it under control.  This has been the case over the past week, and it’s time to put your foot down and set it aside before it does some actual damage.

WaterLe Monde and Neglect – Your negative emotions are holding you back and tying you down. Untangle yourself to move forward. This is an echo back to the positron of Air in this reading, and speaks of the influences that that inner dialogue have had on you.  You’ve forgotten how beneficial leaning into optimism can be, and it’s time to bring that back into focus now.

FireSeven of Coins and Devour – Don’t get so fixated on things moving slow that that is what consumes you. There is a part of you that worries if you do not continually obsess over the things you want to accomplish, that they will fall away and you will forget about them before you can accomplish them.  This obsessive behavior, though, is not healthy and can bleed you dry if you let it.

WaningRevenge – No drama allowed. You need to let go of the tension that getting all wound up has created.  There’s no need for the extra tension and drama, and it’s just getting in your way and making things uncomfortable.

WaxingThe Demon Ship – Bonding with your crew. Get in close with your friends and loved ones. Let them know what’s going on, and allow yourself to have some  fun times and relaxation with them instead of everything being about work.

Take Away – This week is providing me time to recover from the mess of nerves, tension, and restless discomfort that has been churning inside me throughout the past week.  I got myself all worked up and had nowhere to expend that energy. Instead it was trapped inside causing unnecessary chaos and struggle.  The advice here is to focus on releasing that struggle and tension, and go back to working on focusing on positivity and optimism.  It works… if I’m willing to do it instead of discount it.


The Magic Within

Today’s meditation was skipped again.  I keep telling myself that I’m going to get back on track… and yet? I still am skipping this.  Tomorrow is another day, yes?  Another try at doing better.  I do feel better today, though.

Tarot V and How to Be a Wildflower DeckToday’s draw is the Star card, which is traditionally a representation of hope, spiritual guidance, renewal, and the inter-connectivity of ourselves to the world around us and spiritual plane.

Today’s message reminds me of the saying “To the world you may be just one person, but one person, you may be the world.” Sometimes you are the Star in another persons life. You are their hope, their connection, their guiding light.

And you may not even realize it. It could be a coworker you’ve never spoken to, an employer, a friend, the barista at the coffee shop. To these people, you just being there lights up their lives, inspires them, or makes things better in some way that may seem small but makes a huge difference.

Don’t forget the magic you hold within you. Don’t forget how cherished you are by the world around you. You make a difference, whether you realize it or not.


#DiscordTarotholicsOct2021 Challenge Prompt
Question for October 30th
: The last harvest is upon us. What needs to be discarded from my life?

Le Fantastique Tarot Hallucine du Dr ZarielReading Summary: Traditional (Le Pape) comforts and expectations (Ten of Diamonds) abandoned for what you really desire to push for and conquer (King of Clubs).

Take Away: This isn’t so much about giving up on the desire for stability and comfort, so much as setting thoughts of it on the back burner so that you can fully focus on the moment and what needs to be done now.

By allowing that focus to come to the forefront, you can focus deeper and accomplish more because the distraction isn’t there to pull your attention away from where it needs to be.


The #EmbraceYourAlterEgo2021 Challenge for Sacred Grounds Tarot Club
Questions for October 30th and 31st

PVRGATORIVM and Tarot VWhat messages do my Ancestors have for me?
Eight of Swords, Knight of Clubs, Prayer

Open your eyes when charging forward instead of taking things on faith. Yes, you are more than capable of “winging it” blindly and there is a time and place for that.  Now is not that time and place, though.

How can I express my gratitude for the remainder of the year?
Three of Coins, The Moon, Bound

Remember that when you work together, there is less uncertainty, and less struggle. Their fate is also bound to your fate, so it is only right that they should bear part of the load.

The message here is that it’s important to be grateful for those that are there to help you and support you in your endeavors. Make sure you are expressing that gratitude to these people.


Daily Self Kindness

I got Gideon time tonight.  Not enough, but it felt really good.

October Lessons Cartomancy Reading

The prompt for this reading came from one of my Discord servers and is as follows:
“It’s about that time again! We are closing in on the end of October, a month full of festivities, harvests and rich culture. Let’s tone things down and enjoy that this week. 🎃”

Halloween Playing CardsWhat can I do for myself to celebrate this month?

King of Hearts atop Ace of Hearts – Spending time with Gideon is a must. You need his help to lift your spirits and breathe in some fresh air for you.

What aspect of my my life at this time can I obtain a useful skill from?

Two of Clubs – Looking where you’re going doesn’t have to be anxiety inducing. Planning a path forward doesn’t have to rip you off your stable foundation.

Are there any other current aspects of my life I could benefit from? How?

Four of Diamonds – Yes. You are supposed to be resting and caring for yourself right now, so stop beating yourself up about it. Without rest and recovery there is no stability.

What lesson(s) have I learned that can benefit me from October into November?

Eight of Diamonds – You are experienced in what lies ahead. The holiday rush is coming, but there’s no reason to be nervous about it.

How can I get the most out of these lessons?

Ace of Swords – Listen and accept. Open yourself to these lessons and absorb what they are teaching you. Let down that stubbornly hard, protective shell that is not needed.