The Comforts of Home

IMG_E0044Today’s meditation was ten minutes long, and was one of the guided meditations from the Calm app.

I don’t really remember the topic of the meditation for today, but it was relaxing regardless of the fact that I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying.  That said?  I very much like the Robert Louis Stevenson quote that was included in the graphic offered at the end of the meditation (which you can see to the right in this post).

Lovely Day Tarot - Four of WandsToday’s draw is Four of Wands, which is traditionally a representation of home coming, celebration, and the comforts of hearth and home.

Here in this imagery, we see both celebration and home combined, with the Christmas holiday theme that’s depicted in the card. It gives this card a very “hearth and home” feeling for me, and a touch of longing for the type of relaxing holidays that I don’t really get a chance to experience anymore.

The message in today’s card is that you’ve been sick. Just enjoy being home today. It’s a wonderful thing.


#DiscordTarotholicsApr2022 Challenge Prompt
Topic for April 30th
: Grab a spread of your choice that you’ve been curious about… and give it a go!

I used my Month End spread for this prompt. It can be found in a separate post here.


The Self Appreciation #STCTarotChallenge for April Prompt
Questions for April 30th

Lovely Day TarotI will not quit…

Five of Cups and Seven of Swords – … fighting against my pessimistic inner narrative and its ability to steal away the nourishment, care, and joy that I need in my life.


Judgement and Three of Wands – …there are brighter roads ahead and better things coming, but they will only become a part of my life if I am open to letting them in. Pessimism and negative inner narratives close me off to those things.


Daily Self Kindness

It’s my birthday and I spent as much of it as I could with Gideon.

📆 Transitioning from April to May

Month End Tarot Reading with the Anima Mundi Tarot and The Energy Archaeology Oracle

Here and Now I Exist – Who you are now, in your entirety.

The Sun (Horse) and Release – You have (quite literally) been purged clean both physically and emotionally over the past week and you are now at a place where, with all that has been released, you have the opportunity to start again upon your path lighter and cleaner than before. This allows for the opportunity to focus on healthier and happier energies than before.

The Slough – What is to be left in the past as you move forward.

Queen of Cups (Humpback Whale) atop Six of Pentacles, Supporting – Allowing your self-care and how you treat yourself to be dictated by your emotions needs to be left behind. You should be supporting yourself no matter where you are emotionally. Generosity and support towards oneself is not meant to be tied to one’s emotions.

What Lies Ahead – An ideal state or ideal self you are seeking at this time.

Ten of Pentacles (Red Wolf) and Grace – Healthy, happy and hail, along with the ability to balance rest and recovery with active pursuit of your goals. No more fumbling around in a fog, but instead a clear objective combined with healthy balance.

Limitations – Negative influences, opposition, or ill will.

Ace of Cups and Open – Be careful who you are letting into your “circle” right now. Being too open, forgiving, or invested in these new relationships and outside influences at this time can have a negative effect that you won’t want to have to deal with.

The Boon – Positive influences, higher guidance, or divine intervention.

Strength (Hercules Beetle) and Refine – Pull from your inner strength to do the things that you know need to be done to help yourself feel better and become stronger. You know what these things are, and you need to work at doing them even when you feel uninspired to do so. Tap in to your inner strength to find the willpower to get them done, even when you don’t necessarily want to.

The Wound – An unpleasant past experience or event that is ripe for some support and healing.

Death (Death Adder) and Power – There have been a number of experiences in the past couple of years where you’ve had to deal with feeling powerless (and helpless) in the face of change, and this has caused a disenchantment of late in life as a whole. It’s time to delve into these feelings and help restore faith in your personal empowerment, even (or especially) in the face of change.

Nostalgia – A positive past experience or event to acknowledge, reflect upon, and enjoy.

Five of Wands (Antelope) atop King of Pentacles (Grizzly Bear), Potential – Empowerment comes in many different guises, and you need to remember and reflect upon those times when you have fought for what you believe in, having held strong and solid to defend and protect what is important to you. There is potential to carry this energy forward with you now, and allow it to lift you up and strengthen your resolve in the areas that need it.

A Warning – Something coming that can be prevented or overcome.

Five of Pentacles, Activating atop Belonging – Keep an eye out for scarcity issues that may start creeping in and influencing how you see the world as well as your own behavior. You can circumvent this process by staying actively vigilant and ensuring when you see signs of it coming that you don’t ignore it or shut it out, but deal with it instead.

Empowerment – A future opportunity to work toward.

Two of Pentacles and Co-creation – An opportunity for collaboration with others that will allow you to find a better balance in the different aspects of your own life.

Message from the Spirit World – Feeling like an outcast sucks. Make sure that you are aware of when you feel this sneaking up on you, and when those feelings are being displayed in others. Use your inner compass and strengths to bring these issues forward and help work them out with others so balance can be restored.

Message from the Mind’s World – Finding the emotional support needed to let yourself let go of the past can help you in finding peace and better appreciate the present.  Only through forgiveness can this freedom truly be found.

Message from the Physical World – You have a chance at this time to release bad habits and other treatments of your physical self, and leave them behind.  Powering through isn’t the answer, and there’s a great deal of opportunity as you move past being sick to find a better path that will provide a stronger foundation for you to stand upon.


Beltane 2022

This Sunday is Beltane, which is also my sister and I’s birthday. Like Halloween is a time when the veil between the land of the living and the realm of the dead is thin, this holiday is the time when the veil between our world and that of the Fae is at is thinnest.  I personally often find myself amped up with extra energy around this time of year, which I most often use to spend more time playing in that thinning veil as much as possible.

Beltane Reading with the Sabbat Themed Art Card, Pagan Underworlds Tarot, Compendium Of Witches Oracle, Healing Herbal Cards Vol 1 & 2

Like with new moons and full moons, I usually do a spread to check in with myself and give myself some direction for the next couple of months for each solstice, equinox, and other Sabbats. This spread is an adaptation of my Self Care Saturday spread, so there are sure to be  some similarities in how it is read. The focus of this spread, though, is not about Self Care, but rather about progress and my path. The time period is also longer, reaching through the next handful of weeks until the celebration of Litha in June.

Theme of the SeasonBeltane, New Moon, Viola tricolor

Beltane is a holiday permeated with themes that have to do with being in the peak of spring, fertility, and the growth and bounty of the summer to come. It is a holiday filled with the energy of anticipation and abundance.

The New Moon is a time of beginnings, where the seed of new energies are presented and the spark of energy for growth is sparked. It is a time to embrace new beginnings, set intentions, and launch new projects.

The Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor) is a beautiful wildflower that is also cultivated as an ornamental. It is a diuretic, as well as having been used to treat respiratory issues caused by inflammation, as well as certain skin issues like eczema. Metaphysically, the wild pansy represents represents purity, love, and death, and is often used in spellcraft surrounding these themes, as well as in easing grief from separation and loss.

When looking at these three cards together, the theme that I see here is about letting go of expectations, and starting fresh.  This feels never more true than in this moment, in this time when I am between sickness… and recovery and wellness. My body purged clean.  A new start approaching.

EarthThe Devil – You are currently embroiled in a battle with your addictions and addictive impulses. Continue the good fight and keep a diligent eye to make sure that this battle doesn’t cause further disruption to your finances and home life.

AirThe Hermit – Take a moment to reflect on where you are and where you are going. Alone time might not be feasible at the moment, but reflection upon yourself and your path is. Consider who you want to be, and who you want to become.

WaterSix of Cups – You had a serious backslide this week in the area of your emotions. Acknowledge it, but don’t dwell on it. You can’t undo what has been done, but you can carry your mistakes with integrity and make sure they do not end up repeated again.

FireThe Chariot – Seize control and make sure things are going in the direction you want with your business. When things are running smoothly here, the rest of your life often feels as if it’s easier to get it to fall in line.

WaningThe Explorer and Autumn – It’s time to stop allowing your melancholy and disrupted energy to hold you down and keep you stagnant. Allow the fresh air of spring to swirl through and sweep away the cobwebs.

WaxingThe Shaman and Standing Stone – Self exploration and laying yourself bare is a part of the process at this time in your life.  It’s frightening, and it can be painful, but this is how you become who you want to be, by taking yourself apart and then putting yourself back together again better than before.


Temptation’s Consequences

Today’s meditation was spent at the bottom of the bathtub with the shower running (at around 5:30am). I spent some time there after a marathon of spewing from both ends to let my body warm and ease my nerves, as well as wash away the sweats.

Lunalapin Tarot - The DevilToday’s draw is The Devil card, which is traditionally a representation of temptation, addictions, and self inflicted hardships.

You were really sick last night, you need to make sure that you treat your body well today instead of eating junk or being impatient with your body and its needs. There’s always a chance that the nausea and vomiting could come back, and you need to make sure that you do what you can to mitigate those risks instead of just eating whatever you want.

The message in today’s card is to be conscious of what temptations pull at you today, for they have potential to be disastrous.


Mr Lionharts’ #TheAprilTarot Animal Guide Challenge Prompt
Questions for Beyond The Journey – Day 28 to 30

Cat Wisdom CardsWhere do I find myself right now at the conclusion of this month’s Journey?

Patience – You find yourself now at a place of self-awareness that will allow for more patience with yourself moving forward. You know where you are pushing too hard, and where you need to treat yourself more kindly, and can practice the patience to keep that balance.

What am I asked to leave behind moving forward? Why?

Alarm and Take Action – Alarm without action creates anxiety. But, when you seize control and begin to do something about it instead of staying stagnant and letting it wash over you, you are able to turn alarm into healthy results. Keep this in mind and it will help you in leaving behind the anxiety that’s been niggling at you over the past few months.

In what direction am I asked to take these teachings as I move on past April?

Fear – Use this month’s lessons to conquer your fears instead of giving into them.


#DiscordTarotholicsApr2022 Challenge Prompt
Question for April 29th
: What do you need to focus on for self-care for tomorrow’s new moon?

Lunalapin TarotReading Summary: Down times (Ten of Swords) don’t mean that you lose sight of your goals (King of Wands), just that you save the battle for tomorrow (Seven of Wands).

Take Away: As violently sick as I’ve been so far today, what I need tomorrow is some down time and recovery.

I’m sure just as much as I feel like crap today, my stomach and throat will feel raw tomorrow and my muscles are going to hurt as if I’d gone through a triathlon or something.

No work. No pushing. Just rest and recuperation.


Daily Self Kindness

Gatorade. Pedialyte. Nauzene. Imodium. Vanilla ice cream. Nap time. Early bed time.