I Speak of My Fears

Today’s meditation was skipped.

@GlitterbyInk #AprilAffirmations24 Prompt
Affirmation Prompt for April 9th
: I Speak…

Paw of Light Tarot - Eight of SwordsEight of Swords – I speak of my fears.

You speak up about your fears, acknowledging them instead of trying to bury them so that they surface in destructive behavior.

Or… at least you strive to.

It can be hard to confront fears head on, but you are aware that by not doing so, you allow your fears and worries to grow, to thrive, and to control you.

By speaking about them, they become smaller and more manageable, and in doing so you head off other negative and destructive behaviors that those fears often bring up within you.


@Lionharts #TheAprilTarot Mercury Musing Prompt
Question for April 9th
: What aspects or interactions are draining my energy?

Onsen Neko Playing CardsEight of Diamonds atop Seven of Spades – The idea that you have to work all the time without instilling joy into the work you do.

It’s true what they say about if you are doing what you love, that you never work a day in your life. What they don’t tell you is that like all kinds of love, it takes effort to keep it alive. You have to foster it to thrive or it will fade away.

Four of Clubs – Your home is not “in order” which makes it feel far less welcoming and stable. In fact, it’s a mess right now. Start getting things back in order, and you will feel a much stronger sense of peace and welcoming each time you walk through the front door.

Seven of Clubs – Life doesn’t always have to be a battle. It’s time to remove yourself from the mindset that it is. You don’t have to lean into every challenge as if it is life or death, and doing so is becoming exhausting.


#DiscordTarotholicsApr2024 Challenge Prompt
Question for April 9th
: Name Yourself Day – What opportunity is before you now to become a better person?

Paw of Light Tarot - The Hermit, King of Swords, Nine of CupsReading Summary: Giving yourself a little of the healthy alone time that you crave (The Hermit) will help you in being less of a dick to yourself and others (King of Swords), and lead to a greater sense of emotional contentment (Nine of Cups).

Take Away: When you find that inner peace that only nature can give you, it’s far easier to ease up on yourself, and that lets you be less terse with others.

You really need to get some time out in nature among the trees to ground and center yourself. It’s been so long that it’s beginning to show in your words and outward behavior, not to mention that inner dialogue that has a habit of being so cruel to you as well.


Daily Self Kindness

It wasn’t time among the trees, but I did get to spend some time outside today digging in the dirt and planting rose bushes.

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