My Cards Have BRS (Broken Record Syndrome)

Ikigai Today’s meditation was ten minutes long and focused on the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which is is a term that is used to indicate the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile.

This was interesting, and more so because just yesterday Becca put up a video about finding one’s legacy in life, which is a similar concept, because I think if you discover and foster your Ikigai, you are building that legacy.

As I said in Becca’s video last night, I don’t really have any family I connect with other than my twin sister and my mother, and I sincerely doubt I will have a very significant legacy in any direct way. I think my legacy will be in a more esoteric way… and delivered through those things that make up my ikigai.

That is to say, the things I do, the interactions I have, the things that I create… they are like little pebbles dropped in a pond, creating ripples that spread outward.  Sometimes these ripples rock boats along the way and influencing other things in some small ways, sometimes the ripples join with other’s ripples and become waves of change beneath the water and upon the shore. That is my legacy.

Halloween Tarot Today’s draw is a double without a jumper, which is to say that they came out together as one.   The cards in today’s draw are the Six of Ghosts (Cups) and the Death card.

My intuitive reaction to these cards a carry over from the messages in yesterday’s Self Care reading.  I need to take some time for myself to seek out the things I enjoy and the small pleasures in life, I need to pay attention to them and really sink into them while I can.  Because, by doing so during this time, I will be nourishing myself and thus preparing myself for the change to come (the busy season starting next month).

(Side note… I think the reason that I ended up with so many jumpers and doubles in yesterday’s Self Care spread is that they were seeking to provide clarity and make sure I couldn’t misinterpret the cards and sway them in a “preferred direction”.   They are essentially saying “you’re not listening, so lets spell it out for you”.)

Deck Used: Halloween Tarot

Bonus Reading

Another #TarotForGrowthOctober prompt.

Question: Where may I benefit from a new perspective?

Halloween Spirit Tarot Reading Summary:  (Noting that I am being stalked by the Six of Cups recently.)  Emotions concerning past experiences (Six of Cups) and habits learned that need to be changed (Page of Swords) concerning working with others (Three of Pentacles).

Take Away:  Sometimes you need other’s abilities, knowledge, and expertise to get things done (and done well).  I’ve had some bad experiences when it comes to working with others, and it pollutes my perceptions of the process and my feelings concerning doing so in the future.  The cards are telling me that I need to consider a new perspective, and work at getting to a place where I would be open to trying again sometime in the future.

Deck Used: Spirit Tarot (by Spencer’s Gifts Halloween Spirit Store)

Self Care Saturday (on Sunday)

As I’ve mentioned before, these readings are (not usually) bearing in on any one thing or event in my life, as the question used is asking for a more general outlook. This is a self care exercise, and are not meant as a predictive reading.

The question is… What do I need to focus for self-care through the week ahead?


EarthKnight of Cups, Two of Swords, Marshmallow, and Black Bear – When I push too hard, I get kicked in the head. I need to make a choice between how much I’m willing to really put on my self, and how harsh I’m going to be with myself. The cards suggest another path that includes a softening and soothe. Now is a time to sink into the depth of the season’s cycles, and the cycles it inspires within me. Give in to the need for more rest, and use the tendrils of time I have left before the rush begins to rest up.

AirAce of Cups, Ace of Wands, The Tower, and Cow & Bull – Now is not the time for new inspiration and allowing the spark of enthusiasm and creativity to drive me. Instead, take some time to settle and relax. Allow the world to move by at its own pace instead of pushing this week. The time to push will come, but for now it’s time to sit back and watch the world go by at its own pace.

WaterThe Sun, Mullein, and Five Lined Skink – Everything happens for a reason. Difficulties happen and we learn to adapt to it, finding the fissures of connectivity of it within us, and move from it as we integrate it into the facets of our life.
Sink into the confidence that is brought about by knowing that when things fall apart, it is so that new and better things can be built out of the pieces.

FireTen of Swords, The Magician, White Sage, and Passiflora – It’s time to let go. This week there is a necessity to let go of the stresses that are sapping the life and joy out of the mundane and reconnect with the simple and joyous. Take some time to cleans your energy and recenter yourself. Seek out the pleasure and joy within the small and simple moments.

WaningThe Pit – This week I will be moving away from the push toward my inspirations and new ideas. This is a time for relaxing and resting, not digging new holes or planting new seeds.

WaxingCyanide and The Stars – In the week ahead it is important to focus on taking the feelings spurred by things not done and pressures of what is yet to come, and toss them out. This is a time to rest, and in return for getting rid of what plagues you and rides you so hard for so long, infinite possibilities will open up, and a oneness of connectivity will be strengthened.

Moral of the Story – Take a break… and give yourself a break. There’s going to be plenty of stress upcoming just around the corner. This week needs to be about rest, restoration, and healing the self from the normal abuses I usually dole out to myself on a daily basis.

Decks Used: Tarot de Marseille par Pole Ka, Illustrated Herbiary Cards, Illustrated Bestiary Cards, The Asylum Oracle