Appreciating Your Treasure

Today’s meditation was skipped, although after pulling decks, I did take a bit of time to lie down with my legs up the wall and relax.  Not meditation, but a little peace and quiet down time regardless.

Next Gen TarotToday’s draw is the Page of Coins, which is traditionally a representation of a receptive omega energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s finances, resources, health, home, and manifestations.

Okay so, I look at the abacus in this imagery and I think of what I am doing today with my time.  That is… pulling decks for February. That means sorting out a specific 54 decks out of the over 3k that I have now.

It’s… a process, to be sure.  Especially since they are primarily in steamer trunks and bins at the moment until I get the new shelves up (end of March at the latest, I hope).

The message today (from the imagery of the abacus combined with the jewelry) is to look at this work as a chance to enjoy just how fortunate I have, and take pleasure in the process rather than simply waxing poetic about how much my back hurts after lifting all those trunks and bins.


Mr Lionharts’ #TheJanuaryTarot Wheel of 22 Challenge Prompt
Questions for January 28th thru 30th

Next Gen TarotWhat dreams have I neglected that are part of my journey?

Two of Coins – Finding balance between work and home. Between my drive and my need for self-care. Over the holiday season this effort towards balance was set aside entirely. Now that the holidays are over it’s time to get back on the ball where this is concerned.

One of the things that this involves is the need to get some time off scheduled on the calendar so that I can’t keep putting it off when I need it.

How can I best focus on what matters to me {right now}?

Page of Wands – Make it a passion, but recognize that it is also learning experience to put yourself first and juggle this with those things that inspire you. This card echoes back to the previous, and is a reminder that being motivated is important… being inspired is important, but you still need to take care of yourself at the same time.

Today I will {begin to} move in the direction of my dreams by…

Eight of Swords – … being attentive to what I have as I go about my work. Today’s project is pulling February’s cards. As I go through the trunks and bins today, I need to pay attention to what is in each one more closely. Next month… or possibly March, I will begin filling bookshelves with these decks. It will be much easier to do this the more familiar I am with where everything is.


Daily Self Kindness

I didn’t completely finish finding all the decks I need, but when my back said it was time to stop, I also didn’t keep pushing as I normally would.  I stopped and allowed my back some time to rest. I’m 3 decks short of the complete list.  I’ll find the others tomorrow.

🌑 New Moon in Aquarius – January 2022

On Monday is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is about the medicine within, and brought to you by Ethony‘s Tarot by the Moon series.

New Moon in Aquarius Reading - The Citadel Deck

How can I detach from any lingering issues or energies from the past?

The Hunter – Remember that what is going to work for others is not necessarily going to work for you, and that’s okay.  You are unique, and that’s okay.  Give yourself permission to be different and don’t worry all that much (or at all) about the judgements of others, either from your past or in your present.

How can I be more of a spiritual rebel?

The Sailor – Make sure as you shift perspective you are seeking healthy choices moving forward. You seek ways to connect with Amalthea. Look for options that both satiate and inspire. Allow yourself to explore options and find what fits and feels right.

How can I be more impactful with my vision?

The Walker and The Champion – The project you are working on in your home is heavy with change.  Look forward and let your enthusiasm shine for the transition to come.  Make sure that you finish the job, though.  Don’t pause half way through and end up distracted, or it will all fall apart like a house of cards.

Where in my life can I have more fun?

The Poet and The Forgotten – Be yourself.  This is an odd response, as you are so very often yourself on so many levels, and yet these cards resoundingly speak of being yourself.  Set aside masks and fear of rejection or being hurt, and be yourself.  Those that are worth keeping in your social circle crave the true you and will not reject you for loosening up and letting your inner self free.

What can I do to support my visions and goals?

The Summoner – Own your mistakes and learn from them. Connect with others to garner their help, but remember that in doing so you also need to learn to better communicate and associate with them.  They aren’t tools, they’re people.  Treat them as such.  (Bake a raspberry cake for the neighbor to say thank you.)