There and Gone Without a Mark

Today’s meditation was skipped.

Yarn TarotToday’s draw is the Page of Wands, which is traditionally a representation of a receptive omega energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s passions, inspirations, motivation, drive, and determination. This often translates into themes that have to do with the free spirited energy of someone discovering a new passion project and learning a new and inspired skill.

There is a reminder here to not let today just pass by without finding something to inspire you.  It is the days that are empty of inspiration that pass by without leaving a mark on your memory or your life.  Today has the potential to be one of those days.


GroundedInMagic’s #Lovers2022TarotChallenge Challenge Prompt
Questions for January 8th and 9th

Yarn Tarot

Who do I find easy to extend love to?
Ace of Wands and Strength

Those with the strength to explore my passions with me as they are discovered and develop. It’s easy to extend love to those that are along for the ride and share my passions, priorities, and are lead by a similar moral compass and sense of ethics as my own.

Who do I find difficult to extend love to?
King of Wands and The Emperor

Those that try to smother or otherwise circumvent my
personal independence. Aka… authority figure issues. I do not connect well with those that try to hold control over me, my choices, or my actions and interests. Demands are not well received, nor is strong arm tactics, ultimatums, or using one’s authority for leverage.  These things have a tendency to create an oppositional reaction in me.


Daily Self Kindness

I am still playing catch up, and I can’t remember what I might have done as a self kindness for today.