New Outlets and Old Habits

Today’s meditation was just under twelve minutes long, and once again I managed to fall asleep in the middle of it.  That’s okay, though.  I think it just means that it was super relaxing, because I wasn’t particularly tired at the time.

Funny thing?  I woke up with the labradorite stone still on my solar plexus and the smoky quartz still on my forehead.  Didn’t fall off or get knocked off in my sleep, regardless of the weird dreams I was having.

Ace of Cups - Dark Mansion Tarot Today’s draw is the Ace of Cups, and my immediate focus on today’s cards was on the dragonfly and the jewels in the cup. The meaning of the card in today’s draw is that I need to remember that my creative process for designing jewelry includes emotion. I need to acknowledge this, and work on moving more toward incorporating that into the designs, while taking inspiration from the emotions I feel, rather than trying to set them aside or push them away.

Emotions are not really my strong suit, and so this is something that’s difficult for me to incorporate into my work.  It does, though, create a greater depth to my pieces when I do this.  The appearance of today’s card is a ‘heads up’ that it’s time to start with this again with an open heart.

Deck Used: Dark Mansion Tarot

Bonus Reading

Another #TarotForGrowthOctober prompt.

Question: Where may I be blinding myself to the truth of a situation?

Devil Card - Dark Grimoire TarotReading Summary: Well first off, I tried to get more cards for this reading, but the deck refused to give me anything more regardless of how long (or how sloppily) that I shuffled the cards.  So there you go.  The Devil is a representation of self-inflicted addictions, restraints and road blocks.  There are, of course, other interpretations.  But, today?  That is the one that sticks out to me for this card.

Take Away: I am limiting myself and I need to look at in what ways I am doing that, and in what ways that is affecting my life.  This is something that I need to delve deeper into, and take time to really think about.  Especially, I need to look at places where i am brushing off concerns as nothing to worry about.  These tendencies aren’t serving me and need to be dealt with.

Deck Used: Dark Grimoire Tarot