πŸŒ‘ New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aries – April 2024

Tomorrow is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of

New Moon Solar Eclipse Oracle Reading with The Naked Truth Oracle

Space – What parts of my life should I be prepared to re-assess and shift during this eclipse cycle?

Retreat – You just did a reading earlier about how you have been using your alone time in unhealthy ways lately. This card indicates that you need to take that advice to heart, and look at how you are retreating and why, rather than letting yourself do so in thoughtlessly unhelpful and unhealthy ways.

Lunar Gift – What is emerging from within me that will challenge my sense of who I am?

ImpedeIf you are open to listening, you can learn more about yourself during this time. These transformative informational things about yourself can help you become a better person, and more aware of yourself and your surroundings, as well as how you influence others and the world.

Growth – How will this help me grow over the next six months?

Haughty – It can help you in learning how to react in less ego driven ways to the world around you. Allowing you to listen more, understand more, and cram your foot in your mouth less.

Understanding – Why is now the right time for this particular emergence?

Dispute – It can help you in being prepared for future upcoming conflicts. By resolving these issues now and becoming more self aware, you can head off “fight or flight” responses that might otherwise emerge in the moment later on.

Care – How can I best support myself when things get uncomfortable?

Break Out – Remember that you are not trapped. You have choices, and by thinking outside the box, you have more choices yet.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Wary – Pay attention to your surroundings and watch for the snake in the grass. They are about to strike, but you can circumvent their efforts and plans by staying alert and aware.


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