🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Knight of Cups

Prompt: “Pull the Knight of Cups card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

Lo Scarabeo Tarot - Knight of CupsLo Scarabeo Tarot – In this card we see a man who knows what he wants and is willing to take a chance and use his imagination to its fullest to get whatever that is.  There is a vulnerability that comes with wearing one’s heart on their sleeve, and yet? He’s all in… vulnerability and all.

The card encourages thinking outside the box to obtain your heart’s desires, whatever those desires might be.  Be willing to be vulnerable in order to reach for those things that will truly make you happy.

Knight of Cups in the Tarot for the Great Outdoors, Mana-Fest Awaken Tarot, and Pot Tarot

Tarot for the Great Outdoors –  Too many boats and not enough water! All the weekend warriors had the same brilliant idea and now the waters are too crowded.   This card is a reminder that sometimes?  You can just jump in the car (or boat, as the case may be) and go, no matter how good the idea sounds. Some things in life take a little planning, whether it’s to make sure you get to the end goal or just to make sure avoid the traffic jam on the way there when everyone else has the same idea as you.

Mana-Fest Light-Weave Tarot – Sometimes, curiosity leads the way when it comes to those things that truly make us happy or soothe our souls.  Here a knight looks into his cup as if scrying for the future.  What does he see?  If it were you gazing into the cup at your heart’s desire for the future, what would you see?  This card prompts us to pause a moment to take a look at what we really want, and tells us that now is the time to go after those things with passion and intensity.

Pot Tarot – Don’t get distracted on your way to the goal.  If you want to wine and dine and romance someone and you take a hit or two at the bong before hand?  You’re not going to get to the wining and dining (or the after-dinner delight either).  Sometimes we have to put off an immediate pleasure in order to gain something even better in the end.  Make sure that this isn’t one of those times for you.


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