🌕 Full Moon in Capricorn – June 2024

Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of lightningwildflower.

Full Moon in Capricorn Oracle Reading with the Feral Forager Oracle

What is the most beneficial quality I’ve developed this year?

Bonds – You are allowing yourself to be open to more people rather than shutting out everyone that’s not a part of your inner circle. At the same time, you are learning how to preserve the secrets that matter to you (as opposed to just hiding everything including yourself).

What structures do I need to put in place to reach my goals?

Reverence – Remember that there is an element of sacredness in every thing and each action. Use this knowledge to instill more reverence into the everyday.

How can I balance my emotional needs with my responsibilities?

Lamplights – Take care to sprinkle bits of joy along the way in your life’s journey. Not everything has to be so serious all the time. Yes, your goals and responsibilities are a beacon in the night that guides you, but those small bits of joy are the fireflies instilling wonder and whimsy into the mix.

What will help me overcome obstacles in the coming months?

Wandering – Don’t forget that no matter where you are upon your journey, you are not alone. There are others there that will help you along the way and even help to guide you on in the right direction when you are feeling lost.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Tutor and Together – Don’t forget that life is a journey that we travel upon (and learn from) together. The tutor is also always a student, and it’s through our interconnectedness with each other that we grow.


🌑 New Moon in Gemini – June 2024

Tomorrow is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of owlandbonestarot.

New Moon in Gemini Oracle Reading with the Morning Oracle

What needs you to act quickly?

Chaos – Reign in the chaos before it gets out of control. You have a lot of paperwork to do, a lot of sorting and organizing and accounting crap to get done… and a lot of paper shredding to do as well. It’s time to get on with it. You’re running out of time and the closer you get to your deadlines in this area, the more out of control things are going to feel.

Where might you stop and consider first?

The Vase – Is what’s been broken really worth fixing? Would you be better off starting new? Or, alternately, is it possible you will find more value in what comes out of things if you mend what’s broken and nurse it back to health.  Not every broken vase can be fixed, but sometimes a little kintsugi makes what comes from the effort that much more beautiful.

What helps you be more decisive?

The Ladder – Going through the process helps you in keeping your mind and thoughts organized.  Having a plan laid out, steps that lead the way forward, checklists and an order to things.  All of these help you in being more decisive, because in having things organized in such a way it decreases the amount of chaos that can cause distraction.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

The Key – You have the tools in your possession to continue moving forward. You’re not starting from scratch at this point, you just need to use the knowledge and tools already at your disposal to make things go in the direction you want them to.


🌕 Full Moon in Sagittarius – May 2024

Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of lightningwildflower.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Oracle Reading with the Inner Child Healing Oracle

How are you being asked to expand your horizons?

Devotion – Instead of sacrificing yourself for the good of others, it’s time to recommit yourself to taking care of yourself and putting yourself first.

What will help you step out of your comfort zone?

Independence – You have become far too ensnared into the habit of waiting for the knowledge of what others need from you rather than focusing on yourself first and prioritizing your own needs.

In what way are you being called to shift your mindset?

Abundance – Work on focusing more on what you do have, rather than on where your feelings of scarcity are settled.

What clarity and wisdom are available to you now?

Leadership – You can’t effectively lead others if you aren’t caring for yourself and your needs. The more you fall into the trap of taking direction from others on what they need, the more you lose sight of your own needs and how to fill them.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Courage – Believe in yourself and take action on these things. Don’t set them on the back burner for later. You’ve got this.


🌑 New Moon in Taurus – May 2024

Tonight is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of Ethony.

New Moon in Taurus Tarot Reading with the Muse Tarot by Ethony

What is blocking my prosperity?

Page of Wands Rx – This has to do with not just actual prosperity in the monetary sense, but also with the feeling of prosperity. Even the poorest can feel wealthy in their own way… but at the moment you are being blocked from finding that feeling. That blockage comes from a current lack of enthusiasm and inspiration to try new things.

Where am I playing too small?

Three of Pentacles atop Nine of Swords – It’s okay to share your worries and concerns with those you trust. There’s no need to hold back. They won’t use these things against you.  Instead, by sharing those worries and concerns with them, they can help you in finding solutions.

What past financial situations do I need to forgive myself for?

The Fool – Frivolous spending is a part of nearly everyone’s early years. It’s one of those life lessons we all have to learn, and you are no different.

What untapped well of wealth have I been ignoring?

Queen of Cups – Allowing others to support and nurture you on an emotional level can lift you up and make even situations of extreme scarcity seem less dire. Stop trying to keep your need for that support and nurturing to yourself and instead seek it out from those you trust.

Where can I be more fiscally responsible?

Eight of Wands Rx – Continue to slow down on your spending. There are other places yet that you can pull back.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

The High Priestess – The knowledge and guidance you need right now is already within you. Lean into seeking advice through your intuition rather than through your logical mind.


🌕 Full Moon in Scorpio – April 2024

Tomorrow is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of Seeds of Shakti.

Scorpio Full Moon Oracle Reading with the Ocean Dreams Mystic Oracle

Scorpio is extremely intensive, emotional, and highly intuitive. As a water sign, what old wounds will Scorpio help to illuminate, cleanse, and heal?

Earth Waters – Trusting where you come from is difficult. Take time to purify your relationship with your your origins, reground yourself, and begin again.

What aspect of my life is undergoing a potential transformation?

Magnetic Heart – You lost your way for a time where it came to interactions with others, but should be  beginning to find your truth once more and be once again starting to align with those things that truly matter to you.

How can I magnify my senses to experience more pleasure?

Dreamgate – Don’t just doggedly go after the goals that you set for yourself in the past. Examine where you really want to go in this life and really want to achieve. Reevaluation of one’s values and goals is important, as they will shift and change as we grow.

What illusions do I need to breakthrough?

Transcendence – You are not alone. You are never alone. You are connected to the world around you through the ebbing and flowing tendrils of energy that are a part of everyone and everything.

What suppressed feelings will surface during the Scorpio Full Moon to unravel insight?

Nectar of Life – Break free of stagnancy and realize that stillness is an illusion. You have an opportunity during this full moon to release yourself of the trappings of unhealthy inactivity and the stagnation it brings.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Convergence – Make sure that you are connecting with others and not trying to put too much on your own shoulders. Everything runs more smoothly when worked on together.


🌑 New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aries – April 2024

Tomorrow is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of

New Moon Solar Eclipse Oracle Reading with The Naked Truth Oracle

Space – What parts of my life should I be prepared to re-assess and shift during this eclipse cycle?

Retreat – You just did a reading earlier about how you have been using your alone time in unhealthy ways lately. This card indicates that you need to take that advice to heart, and look at how you are retreating and why, rather than letting yourself do so in thoughtlessly unhelpful and unhealthy ways.

Lunar Gift – What is emerging from within me that will challenge my sense of who I am?

ImpedeIf you are open to listening, you can learn more about yourself during this time. These transformative informational things about yourself can help you become a better person, and more aware of yourself and your surroundings, as well as how you influence others and the world.

Growth – How will this help me grow over the next six months?

Haughty – It can help you in learning how to react in less ego driven ways to the world around you. Allowing you to listen more, understand more, and cram your foot in your mouth less.

Understanding – Why is now the right time for this particular emergence?

Dispute – It can help you in being prepared for future upcoming conflicts. By resolving these issues now and becoming more self aware, you can head off “fight or flight” responses that might otherwise emerge in the moment later on.

Care – How can I best support myself when things get uncomfortable?

Break Out – Remember that you are not trapped. You have choices, and by thinking outside the box, you have more choices yet.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Wary – Pay attention to your surroundings and watch for the snake in the grass. They are about to strike, but you can circumvent their efforts and plans by staying alert and aware.