πŸŒ• Full Moon in Capricorn – June 2024

Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of lightningwildflower.

Full Moon in Capricorn Oracle Reading with the Feral Forager Oracle

What is the most beneficial quality I’ve developed this year?

Bonds – You are allowing yourself to be open to more people rather than shutting out everyone that’s not a part of your inner circle. At the same time, you are learning how to preserve the secrets that matter to you (as opposed to just hiding everything including yourself).

What structures do I need to put in place to reach my goals?

Reverence – Remember that there is an element of sacredness in every thing and each action. Use this knowledge to instill more reverence into the everyday.

How can I balance my emotional needs with my responsibilities?

Lamplights – Take care to sprinkle bits of joy along the way in your life’s journey. Not everything has to be so serious all the time. Yes, your goals and responsibilities are a beacon in the night that guides you, but those small bits of joy are the fireflies instilling wonder and whimsy into the mix.

What will help me overcome obstacles in the coming months?

Wandering – Don’t forget that no matter where you are upon your journey, you are not alone. There are others there that will help you along the way and even help to guide you on in the right direction when you are feeling lost.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Tutor and Together – Don’t forget that life is a journey that we travel upon (and learn from) together. The tutor is also always a student, and it’s through our interconnectedness with each other that we grow.


πŸŒ• Full Moon in Capricorn – July 2023

Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is brought to you by SeedsofShakti.

Capricorn Full Moon Tarot Reading with the Decolonized Tarot

What groundwork do I need to lay for my vision to flourish and succeed?

Knight of Wands – Reconnect with your enthusiasm and allow yourself to get carried away now and then. Immersive creativity is where you truly shine.

What actions do I need to take in order to feel confident about my short-term and long-term goals?

Two of Cups atop Two of Coins – Work at seeking out help from those closest to you to help balance your responsibilities and expectations. Reaching out to them is not a burden on them, and a boon to you.

What boundaries do I need to assert, so that I can restore my personal power and accomplish what I initially set out to do?

Ace of Wands Rx – Remember that you can’t do everything. Just like anything else in life, you have to pick and choose what passions you decide to explore.

What recent success do I need to recognize that I’m oblivious to?

Four of Swords – You are doing better at carving out time to rest. It may not feel like it, but you are.

Full Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

Ten of Pentacles – Look at how far you have come and who you have brought along with you. You are so fortunate, not just in the security and stability you’ve created, but also in those people you have surrounded yourself with.


Full Moon in Capricorn – June 2021

On Thursday is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is about how words are magick, and brought to you by Ethony.

Fantastic Being Oracle - Full Moon in Capricorn

1. What long-term plans are calling you?

Manatee (Heart-Center) – Putting yourself first is an important step to finding inner peace and true happiness.Β  You’ve been daydreaming a lot about taking a longer break/vacation and struggling with the hurdles it might cause.Β  The manatee is a reminder that sometimes it’s not about changing external factors, but about changing how you view things from within. It’s time to look at getting in touch with your inner self and finding those things that stir you up and bring you peace…. even when you’re not taking days off.

2. What foundations do you need to lay to succeed?

Elements (Complete)Β  – Balance is needed.Β  Take a look at the different aspects of yourself and your life.Β  Which parts are being underrepresented or neglected?Β  Which are perhaps getting too much attention?Β  Take some time to redistribute and find a better balance, seek out what’s missing and what needs a bit more attention and make sure that you’re finding a balance between the different elements of your life rather than leaning too far one way or another.

3. Where do you need to apply patience?

Platypus (Evolution) – When we grow and change, it’s something that takes time. As the card back says, “The evolution of the heart, mind, and soul is measured.”Β  It takes time and sometimes?Β  That in itself is so frustrating.Β  That slow pace can drive you nuts and frustrate you to no end, but it’s a slow change for a reason and it’s important to acknowledge that personal growth sometimes need to move at a slower place whether we want ti to or not.

4. Where do you need to think BIGGER?

Sphinx (Awe & Wonder) – Smelling the roses along the path is an important part of life. Don’t wait for the “time to be right” to enjoy the little, wonderful things in everyday life.Β  Enjoy them now and create space in your life to do that.Β  It can’t be serious, nose to the grindstone work all the time. Be kind to yourself and let yourself enjoy life.

5. Where do you need support?

Komodo Dragon (Powerful) – We all have parts of ourselves we’re not proud of or don’t want to accept.Β  The Komodo Dragon card encourages us to work on accepting these parts of ourselves as another part of the whole that makes us who we are and unique from others.Β  In allowing ourselves to accept these aspects, we can turn weaknesses and perceived faults into strengths.Β  Sometimes? We need a little help and support from others to find the positive aspects of these parts of ourselves, though.Β  Don’t forget you have people in your life happily eager to boost you up and support you.