🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Knight of Cups

Prompt: “Pull the Knight of Cups card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

Lo Scarabeo Tarot - Knight of CupsLo Scarabeo Tarot – In this card we see a man who knows what he wants and is willing to take a chance and use his imagination to its fullest to get whatever that is.  There is a vulnerability that comes with wearing one’s heart on their sleeve, and yet? He’s all in… vulnerability and all.

The card encourages thinking outside the box to obtain your heart’s desires, whatever those desires might be.  Be willing to be vulnerable in order to reach for those things that will truly make you happy.

Knight of Cups in the Tarot for the Great Outdoors, Mana-Fest Awaken Tarot, and Pot Tarot

Tarot for the Great Outdoors –  Too many boats and not enough water! All the weekend warriors had the same brilliant idea and now the waters are too crowded.   This card is a reminder that sometimes?  You can just jump in the car (or boat, as the case may be) and go, no matter how good the idea sounds. Some things in life take a little planning, whether it’s to make sure you get to the end goal or just to make sure avoid the traffic jam on the way there when everyone else has the same idea as you.

Mana-Fest Light-Weave Tarot – Sometimes, curiosity leads the way when it comes to those things that truly make us happy or soothe our souls.  Here a knight looks into his cup as if scrying for the future.  What does he see?  If it were you gazing into the cup at your heart’s desire for the future, what would you see?  This card prompts us to pause a moment to take a look at what we really want, and tells us that now is the time to go after those things with passion and intensity.

Pot Tarot – Don’t get distracted on your way to the goal.  If you want to wine and dine and romance someone and you take a hit or two at the bong before hand?  You’re not going to get to the wining and dining (or the after-dinner delight either).  Sometimes we have to put off an immediate pleasure in order to gain something even better in the end.  Make sure that this isn’t one of those times for you.


🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Knight of Swords

Prompt: “Pull the Knight of Swords card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

Japaridze Tarot - Knight of SwordsJaparidze Tarot – The benefits of listening. In a conversation, a debate, or an argument… do you speak? Or do you listen? When the other person is speaking, are you listening? Or are you chomping at the bit to open your mouth and have your side heard? How much restraint does it take to hold back? How hard is it to not hear “Charlie Brown adults” wah-wahing away and instead hear the words said and -think- about them before opening your own mouth? In this card, that is what I see. I see someone fighting to choke back their words, all the while rolling their eyes. Not listening. Just waiting for their time to speak. Is this something that you do? How can you do better, and what will it change if you try to step back and listen instead of jumping forward with “guns blazing”?

Knight of Swords - Lucid Mind Tarot, The Caticorn Deck, The Lighted Window Tarot

Lucid Minds Tarot – This is one of those rare Knight of Swords cards where the Knight’s sword is pointed down.  It speaks of taking time to think before you act rather than charging ahead.  Whether acting is a physical manifestation, or about what is about to come out of your mouth that may influence others or the world around you, this card is a reminder that we need to think first.  Not just about what we want or need to say or do, but about how we say it, as well as how those words (or strategic actions) may affect others.

The Caticorn – A classic knight, this card is filled with action and the knight is poised for battle. His face shows keen intellect and that posture of preparedness indicates that he is ready to act without hesitation. Movement in the background reflects an “Eight of Wands” type of theme, speaking of a need for speed, while the cat’s expression and body language makes it clear that if you’re going to act, make sure you do so with purpose.

The Lighted Window Tarot – In this card, although the sword is up and at the ready, there is no indication of speed nor impulsivity.  The knight’s hair floats around in the air above their head, speaking to me of inscrutable thoughts that are clouded and messy.  Perhaps this is why the Knight is not moving.  The clenched fist of his left hand indicates he wants to, but they hold off to make sure that they are clear-headed first.  I would see this card saying that sense of holding off for clarity is a good idea for the querent as well.


🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Page of Wands

Prompt: “Pull the Queen of Cups card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

The Slow Tarot - Page of WandsSlow Tarot – The kid in this imagery looks so happy and so proud of all that he’s learning and experiencing on this camping trip of his. He’s set up a tent, lit a fire, and stands tall with a big smile on his face. This card is a reminder that we need to take pride in our adventurous spirit, new experiences, and accomplishments… even the beginner ones. Maybe… especially the beginner ones.

Page of Wands - Hong Kong Tarot, Anima Mundi Tarot, Tarot of the Hidden Realm

Hong Kong Tarot – Leaving the house vulnerable and unprepared while thinking you actually are?  This is a serious novice move. Yes, some time outside would be wonderful, but honestly? Umbrella in hand or not, clothes are important. Sometimes, we don’t learn these things until we try them and realize it, though. Remember to look for the better way in the things you experiment with. One’s first try is wrought with pitfalls, large and small.  Pay attention to them, and you’ll learn all the ins and outs.

Anima Mundi Tarot – The salamander is associated with the Wands (fire) suit because, at least according to legend, the salamander can pass through fire without getting hurt. Through this association, they represent a theme of resilience through conflict. In this card, though, the salamander is colorless. There are no reds and oranges of flame as would normally be seen in such a depiction on a Wands card. I would read this to mean that there is a lack of reaching for one’s potential.  A stagnancy that one needs to break free of in order to breathe “life” into their situation.

Tarot of the Hidden Realm – Pure joy.  That is what I see in the expression on this boy’s face, and in the spark of color that fills this card’s imagery. I would read this card as an encouragement towards enthusiasm and going after those things that make you feel excited and inspired.  Reject those things you don’t enjoy and dive into the ones you do.


🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Queen of Cups

Prompt: “Pull the Queen of Cups card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

Queen of Hearts from the Wizard TarotThe Wizard Tarot – For me, the imagery in this particular Queen of Cups is looking like a representation of the reversed meaning.  Between her expression and the pouring of the cup into the water around her, it feels like this card’s sentiment is “cry me a river”.  She appears so very tired of hearing other people’s feelings and emotions, and it feels never ending to her. In a reading, I would interpret this card as asking the querent if they haven’t perhaps been complaining overly much lately, perhaps to one person in their life in general, and suggest mixing things up by giving them some interaction that isn’t centered around unhappy emotions.

Queen of Hearts from the Fairy Tarot, Mythical Creatures Tarot of Orient, and City Labyrinth Tarot

Fairy Tarot – The queen in this card’s imagery reminds me of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland.  She has the potential to be warm and sweet, but there’s a cunning in her eyes that makes you wonder what she’s up to. Just as she has that capability of sweet, she has the capability of getting too wrapped up in her own emotions and desires and thus become selfish.  This card asks you to look at those around you that you perceive as being selfish… what is it that they are lacking? What is it they need in order to balance things out and become caring and supportive people again?

The Mythical Creatures Tarot of Orient – Emotions are often chaotic and wild, the clash and bang around like the sea in the imagery of this card, always moving and often violent. And yet, here we see the Queen of Cups holds steady the jade vase, even among the chaos of the storm. Others, smaller and less steady come to her for stability, and she can provide that for them as well. This card promises emotional stability in the face of chaos, and suggests seeking out those in your life that provide that touch stone for you.

City Labyrinth Tarot – Here a woman sits, quiet and reserved with a glass of wine, as if waiting to chat.  I see here an encouragement to share your feelings with those that will listen and be emotionally supportive to you. Sometimes, the easiest way to sort out one’s feelings is to talk about them with someone else.


🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – Envy in the Parking Stalls

Prompt: “Pull (at least) three cards from your deck and use them to write about the daydream of a vehicle of your choice. (ex: a train or plane, yours or your neighbor’s car, a city bus, etc.)

Golden Age of Romance Comics Tarot - The Sun, The Star, The Emperor, Two of Cups, Three of Wands, Six of Pentacles, Ace of Wands

Look at her over there tucked in her stall, all beautiful and eager and ready to go at a moment’s notice (Ace of Wands). She’s so clean and cared for, shiny and bright (The Star). I’d purr like a kitten too (The Sun) if I had an owner like hers (The Emperor). He really knows how to pamper her, going out of his way to provide for her needs (Six of Coins). We’d see the world together if he were mine (Three of Wands and Two of Cups).


🎨 Weekly Creativity Prompt – King of Wands

Prompt: “Pull the King of Wands card from your deck(s). Compare the imagery between the card provided below and the card(s) from your own deck(s). How would you read them differently and why?“

Joie de Vivre Tarot - King of WandsJoie de Vivre Tarot – The energy of the charge harnessed for a purpose, this king doesn’t just charge forward with enthusiasm, he does so with a plan and invites you along for the adventure.  “Come with me,” he says, “and experience all the possibilities life has to offer!  Seize the day!”  This is the energy that this card brings into a reading, whether it’s through indicating a person in the reading or the spirit/energy of the answer the querent seeks.

King of Wands in the Witch Sister Tarot, Tarot of the North Atlantic, and NYC Tarot

Witch Sister Tarot – The stag is king of the forest not through being an apex predator, but through his strength and commitment to family. He represents nobility and integrity, and stands fast for those under his care. He is passionate about family, and passionate about his role among them. He heads their family, protects them, and guides them forward… and they follow because he instills loyalty within their hearts with his strength and passion.  Seeing the stag asks where you can step up and lead with integrity while sparking the passion of others through their trust and admiration?

Tarot of the North Atlantic – The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales, with a maw that opens impossibly wide. Although males are solitary other than in  youth and mating season, they return and are welcomed back each mating season, again and again. Where do you need to pursue your dreams independently, with the occasional support and cheering on of your support system at your back to bolster you?

NYC Tarot – The Hedonist. This card echoes the energy of the Joie de Vivre card most strongly. The rock star stands on stage and performs, and the crowd screams their cheers, sings along with his songs, and idolizes him.  This king is afloat on the pleasure of success, glowing bright in the light of admiration from others, and eager to grow his following. This card asks two questions on either side of a single coin. Where has success gone to your head? Where do you really shine, and how can you best share this with the world?