Exploring Joy

Today’s meditation was ten minutes long, and was another of the guided meditations on the Calm app. That’s two days in a row!

In this morning’s meditation, the focus was on the breath, and the topic was about how, when we are stressed, our breathing often becomes shallow and/or uneven.

The guide in the meditation then went on to explain how, during these times, pausing to take a few slow, deep breaths can calm out bodies and minds, bringing everything back into a more relaxed mindset by easing anxiety and tension.

Solara Occulta Tarot and How to Be a Wildflower DeckToday’s draw is the Fool card, which is traditionally a representation of childlike enthusiasm, naïveté, new beginnings, the start of a new journey (whether that be spiritual, physical, or otherwise).

I like the Fool blindfolded, as it is in this card. It’s not traditional, but I feel it is far more accurate to the meaning of the card than no blindfold.  Although, rose-colored glasses would be ideal.

Right.  Slight detour of thought.  The affirmation card for today is “Be Astonished” which with the blindfolded fool sounds just about right. They definitely seem quite taken with the flower they hold, and if they can’t see it, it must be the scent that mesmerizes.

The encouragement in these cards today is a reminder to appreciate the little things.  It’s okay to get carried away with your enjoyment now and then, and to take pleasure in the small things can be one of the greatest joys in life.


Mr Lionharts’ #TheNovemberTarot Solitary Tarot Challenge Prompt
Questions from November 15th

Pathfinder Oracle and Tarot of Sacred RealmsHow or in what area can l extend grace to myself?
Hawk and Knight of Wands

You don’t have to be on top of every little thing all the time. That mentality will begin to eat away at your enthusiasm over time, and can quickly lead to overwhelm.

Why is this so important right now?
Flood and The Hermit

Overwhelm can, in turn, then force you into a need to retreat and hide away from the world. At this time of year, those actions could have long reaching detrimental repercussions.


#DiscordTarotholicsNov2021 Challenge Prompt
Topic for November 15th
: Draw or write something free form inspired by the card(s).

Solara Occulta Tarot

There was once a thief hiding in a circus. He lifted treats, swindled cash. He swiped candy and prizes, and pilfered jewelry. Wallets in pockets didn’t stand a chance, and he poached the ringmaster’s dinner. (Seven of Swords)

He hid in the tents at night after closing, slunk through the shadows of pre-dawn light, and wandered among the crowds during the day.

One day the perpetrator of the perfect purloin was hiding in one of the trailers when the knife thrower’s assistant came in to fix her make-up. As she sat before the mirror humming a sweet serenade, the music slipped into his heart and pulled upon strings deep within himself that he didn’t know he had. (The High Priestess)

Her voice was melodic and pervasive, swirling through his soul and speaking to his spirit, and he fell so deeply in love with her that he couldn’t stand to have her in danger.

That night he planned his biggest heist yet, and as the circus slept he crept into the knife thrower’s tent and stole all his knives.

Feeling certain that she would now be safe and that he had outsmarted the knife thrower, he slipped off into the night, wracking his brain on how he might impress her on the morrow. (Ace of Swords)


Daily Self Kindness

I forced Jer to get his ass up and come help me package orders.

Healthy Renewal Needed

Today’s meditation was yet again… skipped.  It’s an orders day so, that’s probably not much of a surprise.  Then again, with how much I’ve been skipping lately?  It’s probably not a surprise regardless.

Tarot of Sacred Realms and How to Be a Wildflower DeckToday’s draw is the Queen of Pentacles (same as yesterday), which is traditionally a representation of a receptive alpha energy, personality, or person in the area of one’s finances, resources, health, hearth, manifestations, and the physical world. The energy of this card is down to earth, and that of a nurturer.

As with yesterday’s cards, today’s cards are about getting out in nature. It’s something I need.  I need to feel the nurturing energy of the forest surrounding me.  I need to lie down on the wet moss and soak up that energy, let it sink in and spread throughout, saturating me with its cleansing gift in the way the rain saturates the soil.

I need to feel the freedom of this experience… and I need to find a way to do this that isn’t going to further inflame my right infrapatellar fat pad. There’s the rub, right?  First it was my left Achilles tendon, and now the right knee.  I still need to find a way to get that time in nature, though, and today’s card is a reminder that that time out in nature is important for my health and well being.


Mr Lionharts’ #TheNovemberTarot Solitary Tarot Challenge Prompt
: On this very day, these are three things that I know to be true:

Bloodstone and EarthFlesh TarotI feel… The Empress atop Seven of Swords – A need to get out in nature (well hello there COTD). These cards are a reminder not to allow the treacherous whispers of my inner narrative to negatively influence my self-nurturing choices. Instead, lean into the nurturing as a balm to those wounds.

l am… Ace of Swords – A writer. A communicator. A wordsmith. Miscommunication happens to everyone now and then, and is a part of life. That doesn’t change these things that are a part of my nature.

I want to… King of Swords and Ace of Wands – Win. At everything. I’m a fast learner, and I have a habit of demanding quality from myself at any endeavor that strikes my interest and I put my energy into.  I’m demanding, discerning, and expect the absolute best from myself at all times because I don’t like to fail. This doesn’t mean I can’t take failure gracefully, but rather that I take even failure as a learning experience that will allow me to improve and do better.


#DiscordTarotholicsNov2021 Challenge Prompt
: Do the All Saints Day Spread

Tarot of Sacred RealmsA message that your Ancestors would like to give you at this time.

The Moon – “What is there to really be afraid of anyway?” It’s all in the angle of the jaw and the side-eye. The message here is to be brave and not worry so much about the “what if” scenarios and unforeseen issues that might or might not happen.

A message your Ancestors have been trying to convey that you have not been receptive to in the past.

Page of Wands – If you aren’t getting satisfaction out of what you are doing, it’s time to try something new. (I think that I need to stew on this a bit.)

How to be more open to messages from your Ancestors in the future.

The Hanged Man – Listen closer and sit more with what comes through. Consider meditating after your readings instead of before, so that you can take that time to let their messages sink in.

How to honor and connect more strongly with your Ancestors going forward.

Nine of Swords – Prioritize their messages and your connection with them over your fears and anxieties. You blocked out your mediumship abilities for a long time out of fear. It’s time to release that fear.


Daily Self Kindness

It was orders day, but I managed to take a very brief nap between getting home from the chiropractor and when the housekeeper showed up.