🌑 New Moon in Gemini – June 2024

Tomorrow is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. Today’s spread is courtesy of owlandbonestarot.

New Moon in Gemini Oracle Reading with the Morning Oracle

What needs you to act quickly?

Chaos – Reign in the chaos before it gets out of control. You have a lot of paperwork to do, a lot of sorting and organizing and accounting crap to get done… and a lot of paper shredding to do as well. It’s time to get on with it. You’re running out of time and the closer you get to your deadlines in this area, the more out of control things are going to feel.

Where might you stop and consider first?

The Vase – Is what’s been broken really worth fixing? Would you be better off starting new? Or, alternately, is it possible you will find more value in what comes out of things if you mend what’s broken and nurse it back to health.  Not every broken vase can be fixed, but sometimes a little kintsugi makes what comes from the effort that much more beautiful.

What helps you be more decisive?

The Ladder – Going through the process helps you in keeping your mind and thoughts organized.  Having a plan laid out, steps that lead the way forward, checklists and an order to things.  All of these help you in being more decisive, because in having things organized in such a way it decreases the amount of chaos that can cause distraction.

New Moon advice from the Minoan Goddess Amalthea.

The Key – You have the tools in your possession to continue moving forward. You’re not starting from scratch at this point, you just need to use the knowledge and tools already at your disposal to make things go in the direction you want them to.